[Publication] UTCP Booklet 26: Métamorphose et Catastrophe
We published the 26th volume of UTCP Booklet, Métamorphose et Catastrophe : Colloque international à Sofia, edited by KOBAYASHI Yasuo. MORE |
We published the 26th volume of UTCP Booklet, Métamorphose et Catastrophe : Colloque international à Sofia, edited by KOBAYASHI Yasuo. MORE |
We co-organized an international symposium “Metamorphosis and Catastrophe” at Sofia University, Bulgaria (from October 31 to November 2, 2013). The symposium was organized by Profs. Boyan Manchev (New Bulgarian University), Darin Tenev (Sofia University) and Yasuo Kobayashi (University of Tokyo). Around fifteen participants joined from Tokyo, Paris and Sofia. MORE |
Yasuo Kobayashi's The World of Miquel Barceló: Form as Life / Matter and Violence has been published by Miraisha. MORE |
On October 24th UTCP was happy to welcome (back) a former student of the University of Tokyo (year 1992) : filmdirector Keiko Courdy. MORE |
We published the first volume of UTCP-Uehiro Booklet, Papers from the 2012 University of Tokyo-University of Hawai'i Summer Residential Institute in Comparative Philosophy, co-edited by Roger T. AMES, Masato ISHIDA, Takahiro NAKAJIMA and Shinji KAJITANI. MORE |
Yasuo Kobayashi published The Aporia of the Heart: Between Happiness and Death (Hatori Press, 2013). MORE |
Humanities and Institutions (Yuji Nishiyama (ed.), Miraisha, 2013) was published. MORE |
The Uehiro Research Division for Philosophy of Co-existence Opening Symposium "Ethics in Change" was held at the University of Tokyo on 16 June 2012. The symposium addressed the idea of co-existence between human beings, between human beings and nature, between human beings and technology, and between science and humanities. It brought these concepts together in a novel philosophical approach that encouraged an enthusiastic and fruitful discussion, a discussion that inspired deeper thought in this subject area, yet traversed the multitude of ideas with ease. Associate Professor Shinji Kajitani (University of Tokyo) was the leading moderator of the symposium. MORE |
On May 28th, 2012, Professor Sandra Laugier gave a presentation entitled "Attention to Ordinary Others: Ethics of 'Care,' Vulnerability, and Human Security". Professor Laugier teaches philosophy at L'Université de Paris I, Sorbonne, and has worked as the deputy director at the Institut des sciences humaines et sociales (INSHS). MORE |
A group of members from UTCP and the University of Tokyo attended the Tenth East-West Philosophers’ Conference (May 16-24, 2011) held by the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa and the East-West Center. MORE |
UTCP Symposium "Philosophy of Catastrophe" was held on April 15, 2011. We examined what we should do as philosophers in the face of the catastrophe which occurred on March 11, 2011 (The Great East Japan Earthquake). MORE |
On 9th March 2011, we held an international conference with Prof. Roberto Esposito, Prof. Federico Luisetti, and Prof. Atsushi Okada. MORE |
The 18th volume of UTCP Booklet, Contemporary Philosophy of Co-existence: Essays in Memory of KADOWAKI Shunsuke, was published. This is a collection of essays in memory of Prof. KADOWAKI Shunsuke who passed away in February 2010. MORE |
In memory of Japanese Philosopher Megumi SAKABE, the UTCP organized a small colloquium. MORE |
A seminar of Stefania Bandini (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) on Ludvico Geymonat in the 20th Century Italian Culture. |
On June 4, Jacqueline Lichtenstein gave a presentation entitled "La naissance de l’esthétique comme discipline philosophique" (The Birth of Aesthetics as a Philosophical Discipline). Starting from its appearance in Germany in the middle of the eighteenth century, Lichtenstein charts the importation of the notion of aesthetics to France, and its gradual acceptance as a philosophical concept. MORE |
On 17th May 2010, Maria Kodama gave us a talk about a principal aspect of a famous novelist Jorge Luis Borges. |
Deconstruction of History, written by Yasuo Kobayashi, was published (Mirai-sha). |
1月11日,来自东京大学、纽约大学和北京大学的人文学科教授在北京大学中文系举行了主题为“全球化时代的人文科学反思”的三边学术交流与合作恳谈会。会谈由中文系党委书记蒋朗朗主持,北京大学常务副校长林建华出席会谈并发言,东京大学哲学中心主任小林康夫教授和纽约大学中国中心主任、东亚研究系系主任张旭东教授也分别代表东京大学和纽约大学表达了对三方建立可持续性合作关系的设想和建议。 MORE |
Paris 8 University and University of Tokyo has intellectually collaborated for some decades. On December 19, 2009, the symposium "L'Avenir des Sciences Humaines à l'Université" was held with the president and vice-president of Paris 8 University (organized by Patrick De Vos and Pierre Bayard; supported by Department of French and Italian Languages, University of Tokyo). MORE |
The conference was held between 14th and 16th December at Fudan University, Shanghai, co-hosted by National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies of Fudan University, Modern East Asia Research Centre (MEARC) of Leiden University, and UTCP. MORE |
Here is a documentary film (directed by Yuji Nishiyama) on UTCP activities in Argentina in 2008. MORE |
We published the tenth volume of UTCP Booklet, UTCP Booklet 10 Philosophie et Éducation II. MORE |
UTCP国际论坛“教育与哲学—对哲学的权利”第二天以“各国有关高等教育的情况与人文学之未来”为题在巴黎的国际哲学学院举行,来自意大利、日本、法国、阿根廷的研究者进行了发表和讨论。(会议主持人:小林康夫) MORE |
UTCP国际论坛“教育与哲学—对哲学的权利”第一天以《制度、教育、评价》为题,由藤田尚志(日本学术振兴会)、桥本一径(东京大学)、津崎良典(大学)在巴黎高等师范学校进行了发表。(会议主持人:西山雄二) MORE |
2008年10月14、22、28日,由表象文化学科和UTCP共同主办、皮埃尔•巴亚德(巴黎第8大学)主讲的系列讲座“极限的书写”在驹场举行(会议主持人:小林康夫、帕特里克•德•沃斯)。 |
2008年10月6-7日,布宜诺斯艾利斯大学与国际哲学学院、UTCP、加拿大大使馆文化部共同主办的国际专题讨论会“大学的哲学 合理性之争”在阿根廷国立图书馆召开。 |
2008年10月1-3日,在有“南美的瑞士”之称的巴利洛切召开了第九届国际哲学会议“元哲学”。UTCP的分组会“亚洲思考的多种可能性——另一种元哲学”于2日举行,小林康夫、中岛隆博、西山雄二进行了发表。(会议主持人:弗兰西斯科•纳西塔德) MORE |
We published the fourth volume of the UTCP Booklet, Utopia: Here and There. MORE |
5月14日,作为中期教育计划“时代与无意识”的一环,西山雄二氏(UTCP)做了题为《“1968年代”的余辉——“68年5月”的历史化与抵抗》的讲演。 MORE |
Thanks to Professor Graham Parkes, UTCP had a chance to collaborate with scholars at University of Hawaii. MORE |
The workshop started with Yasuo Kobayashi’s opening remarks on the problematic of “the epoch”. MORE |
From March 22 to 31, Yasuo Kobayashi, Takahiro Nakajima, UTCP fellows (Dennitza Gabrakova, Misato Ido, Wang Qian, Kei Hirakura, and Kei Yoshida), and Satoru Hashimoto (the former UTCP fellow, currently Ph.D. student at Harvard University) visited New York University. MORE |
2008年3月6日到7日,UTCP与CEFC(Centre d’Etudes Francais sur la Chine contemporaine)共同主办的国际研讨会“中国传统文化在当代中国的角色”在东京大学驹场校区举行。 MORE |
From March 6 to 7, the international workshop "The Revival of Traditional Culture and Confucianism in China Today" was held by Centre d’Etudes Français sur la Chine contemporaine (CEFC) and UTCP. MORE |
The third volume of the UTCP booklet Passages of the Epochs : Walter Benjamin Today under the edition of Kobayashi Yasuo came out. |
The second volume of the UTCP booklet What are the Classics in Our Time? under the edition of Nakajima Takahiro and Kobayashi Yasuo came out. |
2008年2月23日,UTCP的专题讨论会“哲学与大学——人文科学的未来”在驹场校区召开(主持人:宫崎裕助、西山雄二) MORE |
The symposium was a part of the open joint study “Philosophy and the University” , whose main objective was to reexamine the understanding of the university of various philosophers as well as well as the relationship between philosophy and the system and ideals of the university. MORE |
Here are published the proceedings of the Symposium “Philosophie et Education” held in Paris this January. MORE |
Kais Firro (The Department of Middle Eastern History, Haifa University, Israel) pronounced a lecture on the 28th of January at UTCPunder the title “The (Im-)possibility of Coexistence in Bilingual Haifa”, had research seminars for four days until the 31st and left for Israel on the 1st of February. MORE |
1月8日,在巴黎的国际哲学学院召开了UTCP与学院共同主办的论坛《哲学与教育 教、学——关于哲学与精神分析的教育》。这是继2006年11月第一届论坛之后的第二届,是由UTCP主导推动的计划。 MORE |
On the 8th of January a forum took place at CiPH in Paris, organized by UTCP and CiPH under the title “Philosophy and Education: Teaching and Learning – about the pedagogy of the philosophy and the psychoanalysis”. This was the second meeting after November 2006 and was part of a project developed by UTCP. MORE |
UTCP工作室《古典的人之形象》的讨论从东洋编开始。 MORE |
UTCP Work Salon “Classical Views on Man” took place from the perspective of East Asia. MORE |
The proceedings of the International Symposium (18th -19th November 2005 in Paris University 7 ), organized by CEEI (CENTRE D'ÉTUDE DE L'ÉCRITURE ET DE L'IMAGE) and UTCP under the title “La lettre et l'image : Nouvelles approaches”[The Letter and the Image New Approaches] |
This program is conducted by alternating my graduate seminar and the seminars and work salons of UTCP, from 6pm every Tuesday, while all the presentations and discussions are loosely centered on the notion of “times” (age, epoch). MORE |
今年秋天开始展开工作的全球COE“求索共生的国际哲学教育研究中心(UTCP)”的启动研讨会于10月21日(日)在东京大学驹场校区举行。 MORE |
We had the opening symposium of the UTCP on October 21. Below is a summary of the report originally written in Japanese. MORE |
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