

“The Other Materialities of Cinema” - Joint Seminar by Tom Cohen and Akira Mizuta Lippit

29 February, 2008 HIRAKURA Kei, Visiting Speaker Series Permalink

Following the exciting lecture of Tom Cohen we had a joint seminar by him and Akira
Mizuta Lippit. We were juxtaposing Hitchcock’s Birds with Michael Haneke’s Cache in order to see how the culturally and historically powerful trope of the “house” and interiority has its foundations shaken faced by the problematic of an ecological and critical “climate change”.


Congratulations to Jun Tanaka

29 February, 2008 TANAKA Jun Permalink

Congratulations to Jun Tanaka, member of UTCP, for being awarded the prize of the Agency for Cultural Affairs for his recent book Poetics of the City – Memory and Symptom of the Place.


UTCP Booklet 1 "Philosophie et Éducation"

28 February, 2008 KOBAYASHI Yasuo, HARA Kazuyuki, GOHARA Kai, NISHIYAMA Yuji, Publications Permalink

Here are published the proceedings of the Symposium “Philosophie et Education” held in Paris this January.


22 February, 2008 KOBAYASHI Yasuo, MORITA Dan, TAKEMINE Yoshikazu Permalink

This article exists only in Japanese.

UTCP理解伊斯兰讲座第四讲 《伊斯兰学术知识的中坚们:12世纪伊朗东部的一位博学之士的肖像》

11 February, 2008 Understanding Islam Permalink



UTCP Education Program "Brain Sciences and Ethics" Report 9

6 February, 2008 Brain Sciences and Ethics Permalink

New report on our activities:
in the 1st Seminar: "Reading Levy's Neuroethics" Session 9, we discussed the chapter 6: "The 'self' of self-control".
And in the 2nd Seminar: "Reading Gazzaniga's The Ethical Brain" Session 10, we read the chapter 9.


UTCP Education Program "Brain Sciences and Ethics" Seminar 1, Session 9

6 February, 2008 └Seminar 1: Reading Levy's Neuroethics, YOSHIDA Kei, Brain Sciences and Ethics Permalink

New report on our activities:
In Session 9 of the 1st Seminar: "Reading Levy's Neuroethics", we discussed the chapter 6: "The 'self' of self-control".



2 February, 2008 HAYAO Takanori, Visiting Speaker Series Permalink

Kais Firro(以色列海法大学中东史学科)先生于1月28日在UTCP讲演了“双语城市海法的共生(不)可能性”之后,至31日,连续四天的研究会结束,于2月1日回国。虽说是连续四天的研究会,但每天从上午开始进行个人的研究指导,每天的讲演、答疑之后,在联谊会上又继续展开热烈的讨论,回到宾馆时已经是晚上11点以后了。其间Firro先生显示出来的博学、对任何提问都直接面对的态度以及对研究的热情,让我获得了超出知识层面的刺激。


Report: The (Im-)possibility of the "Bilingual City" Haifa

2 February, 2008 KOBAYASHI Yasuo, HAYAO Takanori, Visiting Speaker Series Permalink

Kais Firro (The Department of Middle Eastern History, Haifa University, Israel) pronounced a lecture on the 28th of January at UTCPunder the title “The (Im-)possibility of Coexistence in Bilingual Haifa”, had research seminars for four days until the 31st and left for Israel on the 1st of February.


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