

[Report] UTCP Kick-off Symposium

8 May, 2019 KAJITANI Shinji, NAKAJIMA Takahiro, ISHIHARA Kohji, KAWAMURA Satofumi, YAHATA Sakura, NAITO Hisayoshi, YAMADA Rie, SATO Maki, MOON Kyungnam, SAKAKIBARA Kentaro Permalink

The report is in Japanese only.

Confronting Capital and Empire Rethinking Kyoto School Philosophy

13 July, 2017 KAWAMURA Satofumi Permalink

[Report]10th BESETO Conference

8 April, 2016 ISHIHARA Kohji, KAWAMURA Satofumi, IDE Kentaro, ISERI Makiko Permalink

On 19th and 20th March 2016, the 10th BESETO Conference was held in Seoul National University. The BESETO conference are organized by University of Pekin, Seoul National University and, the University of Tokyo, and has annually been hosted by each university. In this year, from UTCP, five participants gave the presentations on their philosophical research.


1 September, 2015 KAJITANI Shinji, NAKAJIMA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Satofumi, MOON Kyungnam Permalink

On 24 July 2015, Mr Kyle Peters from he University of Chiago gave the presentation "Beyond Authorial Death: Nishida Kitarō and the Self-Determination of the Author" at UTCP.


[Report] UT-UH Summer Institute for Comparative Philosophy 2014 (6)

8 October, 2014 KAJITANI Shinji, NAKAJIMA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Satofumi, GODO Wakako Permalink

This is the report written by Ms. Chenyu Yao. This report shows how the lectures on 14th was given by Professor Takahiro Nakajima and Professor Roger Ames.


[Report] UT-UH Summer Institute for Comparative Philosophy 2014 (4)

8 October, 2014 KAJITANI Shinji, NAKAJIMA Takahiro, KAWAMURA Satofumi, GODO Wakako Permalink

On 10th August, we had the first keynote lecture by professor Peter Hershock from University of Hawai'i, at Manoa. The next day, we went for the Halapepenui Trail hike with Dr. Sam Gon III. In this blog, these lecture and activity are reported by Ms. Yui Fujita.


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