

UTCP Booklet 4 Utopia: Here and There

26 September, 2008 NAKAJIMA Takahiro, KOBAYASHI Yasuo, YOSHIDA Kei, Dennitza GABRAKOVA, HASHIMOTO Satoru, HIRAKURA Kei, IDO Misato, Publications Permalink

We published the fourth volume of the UTCP Booklet, Utopia: Here and There.


Report: Utopia: Here and There @NYU

19 June, 2008 YOSHIDA Kei, Dennitza GABRAKOVA, HASHIMOTO Satoru, HIRAKURA Kei, IDO Misato Permalink

2008年3月28日到29日,在纽约大学召开了研讨会“Age of Comparison”,通过哲学的、方法论的考察探讨比较和比较可能性。


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