

[Report] The 7th BESETO Conference of Philosophy

28 January, 2013 ISHIHARA Kohji, HOSHINO Futoshi Permalink

The 7th BESETO Conference of Philosophy was held on January 5 and 6, 2013 at Seoul National University.


[Report] Asian Philosophy Forum Workshop: "Whither Chinese Philosophy?"

21 January, 2013 NAKAJIMA Takahiro, ISHII Tsuyoshi, KAWASE Kazuya, L3 International Conferences for the Politics of Co-existence Permalink

On November 17, 2012, a workshop entitled "Asian Philosophy Forum Workshop: Whither Chinese Philosophy?" was held. We, UTCP, invited Professor John Makeham who is a Professor at Australian National University and Dr. Fabian Heubel who is an Associate Research Fellow at Academia Sinica. Professor Tsuyoshi Ishii from UTCP moderated it, and Professor Takahiro Nakajima from UTCP and I, Kazuya Kawase, spoke as commentators there. This workshop was a stimulating experience for me, since I usually study Hegelian not Chinese philosophy.


[Publication] Minae Inahara "The rejected voice: towards intersubjectivity in speech language pathology"

9 January, 2013 INAHARA Minae, Publications Permalink

Minae Inahara, Uehiro Research Fellow, published an article "The rejected voice: towards intersubjectivity in speech language pathology"in Disability & Society, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 January 2013


[Publication] Minae Inahara "The Voice of Pain: The Semiotic and Embodied Subjectivity"

9 January, 2013 INAHARA Minae, Publications Permalink

Minae Inahara, Uehiro Research Fellow, published an article "The Voice of Pain: The Semiotic and Embodied Subjectivity"in Embodied Selves


[Report] George Wrisley "The Buddha Still Rides a Bike: Wittgenstein, Dōgen, and the Entanglement of Language and Enlightenment"

8 January, 2013 MOON Kyungnam, L1 Dialogical Practice between Eastern and Western Philosophy Permalink

On December 19, 2012, Dr. George Wrisley (Assistant Professor, The University of North Georgia) gave a presentation entitled "The Buddha Still Rides a Bike: Wittgenstein, Dōgen, and the Entanglement of Language and Enlightenment" at Komaba Campus.


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