

[Report] UTCP International Conference "Persona as disposition"

29 March, 2011 MURAMATSU Mariko, KOBAYASHI Yasuo, OHASHI Kantaro, Visiting Speaker Series

On 9th March 2011, we held an international conference with Prof. Roberto Esposito, Prof. Federico Luisetti, and Prof. Atsushi Okada.


After the introduction about Italian contemporary theory by Prof. Okada, Prof. Esposite makes a keynote speech on the idea of "Persona". Referring to the concept of "dispositio" which both Gilles Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben regarded as composant of western essential structure of "economy (oikonomia)", he criticizes historically the notion of "persona" which determined at once the condition of human and its individualization.


"Persona" is a dispositio(device) that includes all human-like creatures into eternal dialectics of normal/a(b)normal. Subjetivity derives from this dialectic movement of persona-device. Against its movement, Prof. Esposito picks up the very notion of "impersonal" of Simone Weil. Her notion on impersonality, which denotes the inhuman-feroce aspect of humanity, also makes it posible to develop the human condition toward the higher level called "sacred". Thus persona has to be de-constructed, in order to establish humanism without exclusion.

(Kantaro OHASHI)

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