【報告】『“心”與Nation:反思東亞地區的現代 經驗』研討會
2013年11月16日,我們邀請到台灣交通大學的劉紀蕙教授,召開了““心”與Nation――反思東亞地區的現代經驗”爲題的研討會。會議在東京大學駒場校區18號館第4會議室舉行。劉教授的專業領域是政治哲學,她目前的研究課題是,以章太炎爲代表的近代中國思想與西方政治哲學思想的對比研究。此外與會並做發表的有東京大學UTCP的石井剛副教授和林少陽副教授,一橋大學的鈴木將久教授、明治大學的志野好伸副教授。 MORE |
2013年11月16日,我們邀請到台灣交通大學的劉紀蕙教授,召開了““心”與Nation――反思東亞地區的現代經驗”爲題的研討會。會議在東京大學駒場校區18號館第4會議室舉行。劉教授的專業領域是政治哲學,她目前的研究課題是,以章太炎爲代表的近代中國思想與西方政治哲學思想的對比研究。此外與會並做發表的有東京大學UTCP的石井剛副教授和林少陽副教授,一橋大學的鈴木將久教授、明治大學的志野好伸副教授。 MORE |
We published the 3rd volume of UTCP-Uehiro Booklet, APF Series 1 Philosophizing Asia, edited by Tsuyoshi Ishii and Lam Wing-keung. MORE |
The third week of the seminar was a one-week trip from Kanazawa to Tottori. On August 18th, we visited D.T. Suzuki Museum near Kanazawa city, and moved to Nishida Kitaro Museum in Ishikawa prefecture, where these two outstanding figures in modern Japanese philosophy were born. Ms. Rui's report is mostly about the lectures and experiences we had at the two Museums. MORE |
On August 14th, at the halfway of the three weeks seminar, we had an exciting lecture by professor Yasunari TAKADA at Komaba. The report written by Ms. Amakawa will tell us how Mr. Takada addressed the question that may make you feel awkward --"How to be a Perfect Japanese". MORE |
We published the first volume of UTCP-Uehiro Booklet, Papers from the 2012 University of Tokyo-University of Hawai'i Summer Residential Institute in Comparative Philosophy, co-edited by Roger T. AMES, Masato ISHIDA, Takahiro NAKAJIMA and Shinji KAJITANI. MORE |
On May 17, 2013, Professor Edward Slingerland from University of British Columbia has given a talk at UTCP entitled “Confucianism and Cognitive Science: Dialogue Between the Sciences and Humanities”. MORE |
On December 19, 2012, Dr. George Wrisley (Assistant Professor, The University of North Georgia) gave a presentation entitled "The Buddha Still Rides a Bike: Wittgenstein, Dōgen, and the Entanglement of Language and Enlightenment" at Komaba Campus. MORE |
Ravishing scenery, fresh breeze and gentle rain we had experienced during the past 10 days perfected the summer institute together with conflicting philosophical ideas. Now we have come to the last two days of the second week. Here is the report of August 9th and 10th. |
We had a discussion about the third chapter of Professor Ames' new book "Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary" on 7/22. MORE |
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