

[Report] The 4th BESETO Conference of Philosophy

5 May, 2010 NOBUHARA Yukihiro, ISHIHARA Kohji, MURATA Junichi, NAKAZAWA Eisuke, OZAWA Kyoko, HIRAKURA Kei, NAKAO Maika, SATO Ryoji, SEKIYA Sho, SUMIDA Tomohisa, YASUNAGA Marie Permalink

The 4th BESETO Conference of Philosophy was held on 7 and 8 January, 2010.


[Report] 18th TCCP Colloquium: Prevention, Therapy, and Enhancement: Representations of the Brain in Japanese Medicine Advertisements, 1866-1977

15 April, 2010 TSUTSUI Haruka, NAKAO Maika, SUMIDA Tomohisa, Brain Sciences and Ethics Permalink

TCCP, or Tokyo colloquium of cognitive philosophy, is an English-only seminar which is held as a place for active discussions among UTCP members who are interested in neurophilosophy, neuroethics and various related topics.


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