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【刊行】佐藤麻貴(分担執筆)『Habits Pragmatist Approaches from Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Social Theory』

2020.10.01 佐藤麻貴, 出版物

UTCP特任助教の佐藤麻貴先生が寄稿している『Habits Pragmatist Approaches from Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Social Theory』が刊行されました。



Edited by Fausto Caruana, Institute of Neuroscience (Parma), Italian National Research Council, Italo Testa, Università degli Studi, Parma
『Habits Pragmatist Approaches from Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Social Theory』2020
ISBN: 9781108498449

【Table of Contents】

Introduction: the pragmatist reappraisal of habit in contemporary cognitive science, neuroscience, and social theory: introductory essay Italo Testa and Fausto Caruana
Part I. The Sensorimotor Embodiment of Habits
Section 1. The Neuroscience of Habits:
1. Habit formation, inference and anticipation: continuour themes in a pragmatist neuroscientific perspective Jay Schulkin
2. Habits and self: a temporal view Georg Northoff
Section 2. Habits and Emotions:
3. Emotional Mirroring Promotes Social Bonding and Social Habits: An Insight from Laughter Fausto Caruana
4. Emotions, habits, and skills: action-oriented bodily responses and social affordances Rebekka Hufendiek
Section 3. Habits and Skills:
5. What the situation affords: habits and heedful attitudes in skilled performance Katsunori Miyahara, Tailer G. Ransom and Shaun Gallagher
6. Swim or sink: habit and skilful control in sport performance Massimiliano L. Cappuccio and Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza
Part II. The Enactment of Habits in Mind and World
Section 4. Habits and the Background of Action:
7. The backside of habit: notes on embodied agency and the functional opacity of the medium Maria Brincker
8. Habit, ontology, and embodied cognition without borders: James, Merleau-Ponty, and Nishida Jonathan McKinney, Maki Sato, and Anthony Chemero
Section 5. Habits, Intentionality, and Language:
9. Clarifying the character of habits: understanding what and how they explain Daniel D. Hutto and Ian Robertson
10. Habits, meaning and intentionality: a Deweyan reading Pierre Steiner
11. Language, habit and the future Elena Clare Cuffari
Section 6. Habits and Moral Life:
12. Moral habit Mark Johnson
13. Habits of goodness: how we come to be virtuous without moral laws Teed Rockwell
Part III. Socially Embedded and Culturally Extended Habits
Section 7. Habits, Human Development, and Social Practices:
14. Growing minds: pragmatic habits and enculturation Richard Menary
15. 'Habit is thus the enormous flywheel of society': pragmatism, social theory, and cognitive science Stephen Turner
16. Habit and the human lifespan: toward a Deweyan account of aging and old age Shannon Sullivan
Section 8. Habits, Cultural Artifacts, and Aesthetics:
17. Habits and enculturated mind: pervasive artifacts, predictive processing and expansive habits Joerg Fingerhut
18. Brain, body, habit and the performative quality of aesthetics Vittorio Gallese
Section 9. Habits, Social Ontology, and Institutions:
19. A habit ontology for cognitive and social sciences: methodological individualism, pragmatist interactionism, and 4E cogniton Italo Testa
20. Social ontology between habits and social interactions Roberto Frega
21. Social reproduction, feminism, and Deweyan habit ontology Fredico Gregoratto and Arvi Särkelä.

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