【刊行】Kei Yoshida “Re-politicising philosophy of science: A continuing challenge for social epistemology”
元UTCP特任講師の吉田敬による論文、“Re-politicising philosophy of science: A continuing challenge for social epistemology”がSocial Epistemologyに掲載されました。
この論文は、Social Epistemologyの創刊25周年特集号に招かれて、執筆されたものです。特集号の目次は次の通りです。また、姉妹サイトSocial Epistemology Review and Reply Collectiveに各論文への応答が掲載の予定となっておりますので、そちらも合わせてご覧いただけましたら幸いです。
James Collier
pages 263-266
Social Epistemology: A Quarter-Century Itinerary
Steve Fuller
pages 267-283
The Modern Commercialization of Science is a Passel of Ponzi Schemes
Philip Mirowski
pages 285-310
Philosophy in the Age of Neoliberalism
Robert Frodeman, Adam Briggle & J. Britt Holbrook
pages 311-330
Disciplinarity and the Growth of Knowledge
Fred D’Agostino
pages 331-350
To What Extent Could Social Epistemology Accept the Naturalistic Motto?
Ilya Kasavin
pages 351-364
Re-politicising Philosophy of Science: A Continuing Challenge for Social Epistemology
Kei Yoshida
pages 365-378
The Social Epistemologies of Software
David M. Berry
pages 379-398
A Social Epistemology of Reputation
Gloria Origgi
pages 399-418
Anthropology as Social Epistemology?
Marianne de Laet
pages 419-433
The Supplementary Clerk: Social Epistemology as a Vocation
Thomas Basbøll
pages 435-451
Knowing Waste: Towards an Inhuman Epistemology
Myra J. Hird
pages 453-469
Toward a Sustainable Epistemology
Naomi Scheman
pages 471-489