

[Publication] Minae Inahara "The Voice of Pain: The Semiotic and Embodied Subjectivity"

9 January, 2013 INAHARA Minae, Publications

Minae Inahara, Uehiro Research Fellow, published an article "The Voice of Pain: The Semiotic and Embodied Subjectivity"in Embodied Selves

This article was wrtten in the interdisciplinary collection which explores the role the body plays in constituting our sense of self, signalling the interplay between material embodiment, social meaning, and material and social conditions.



Gender and Reproduction; L.Alcoff
Biology and the Metaphysics of Sex Difference; K.Lennon
'All human beings are pregnant, both in body and in soul': The Bisexual Imaginary in Plato's Symposium; S.Sandford
Personal Identity and Transsexual Narratives; S.Gonzalez-Arnal
The Embodiment of Cultural Identity; P.Gilbert
This Body Which is not Mine: The Nnotion of the Habit Body, Prostitution and (Dis)embodiment; M.Coy
Turned into Body by the Other; S.Burwood
Disability and the Thinking Body; J.Leach Scully
Hearing deafness: Subjectness, Articulateness and Communicability; A.Schriempf
The Voice of Pain: The Semiotic and Embodied Subjectivity; M.Inahara
Hospitality and 'the Gift of Life': Reconfiguring the Other in Heart Transplantation; M.Shildrick
Embodied Subjectivity, Power and Resistance: Bourdieu and Butler on the Problem of Determinism; G.Jagger
Suffering, Silence and Social Weightlessness: Honneth and Bourdieu on Embodiment and Power; L.McNay

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