

Report: Yoriko OTOMO's Lecture

29 May, 2008 Academic English Seminar

Ms. Yoriko OTOMO's Lecture was held on May 15th as part of the UTCP Academic English Seminar.


Yoriko OTOMO is a Postgraduate Research Student at IILAH (Institute for International Law and the Humanities, Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne). Her areas of study are International Law and Gender Studies. She is currently completing her doctoral thesis, entitled: "Decision-Making in International Law: Towards an Ethics of Occupation and Exchange".

In her lecture "Searching for Virtue in International Law", She treated international law as a problem of gender. But I cannot provide you with details of Ms. OTOMO's lecture, because it is based on a draft of her unpublished paper. It will be published at the Oñati Institute, Spain, later this year.


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