

Report: Prof. Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto's Seminar and Lecture

2 May, 2008 HIRAKURA Kei, YI Young Jae, Visiting Speaker Series

On April 22 and 25, we held a seminar and a lecture by Prof. Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto (Associate Professor, Dept. of East Asian Studies, New York University).


UTCP Seminar "Movie/Empire"
17:00-19:30, April 22, 2008


Muneaki Hatakeyama (University of Tokyo), "What the Body Can Do in the Movies: A Spectacle and the Body in Soviet Russia Movies"
Yi Young Jae (UTCP), "Three Countries where Shin Sang-ok Lived: An Army Truck, Pulgasari, Godzilla"
Commentator: Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto (Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, New York University)
Chair: Koichi Maeda (Kobe CIty University of Foreign Studies)

The aim of this seminar was to reconsider the problem of the movie and empire in wider historical and geographical contexts in response to Prof. Yoshimoto's book Empire of Images and the End of Cinema.




UTCP Workshop "Conspiracy, Violence, Image"
17:00-19:30, April 25, 2008

Speaker: Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto (Associate Professor, Dept. of East Asian Studies, New York University)
Chair: Kei Hirakura (University of Tokyo/UTCP)

Prof. Yoshimoto analyzed the problem of image, violence, and conspiracy by examining Oliver Stone's JFK (1991) and debates produced by it.



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