Tetsuya Takahashi, Can Philosophy Constitute Resistance ?
Tetsuya Takahashi, member of UTCP, published Can Philosophy Constitute Resistance ?, as Collection UTCP 5.
Tetsuya Takahashi, Can Philosophy Constitute Resistance ?, Collection UTCP 5, 2008, 251p.
I. Philosophy and War
1. < Philosophie de l'histoire mondiale >
Logique du nationalisme philosophique japonais
2. Community and the Law of Return
Between Ethics and the Question of Being
II. Postwar Japan Responsability
3. Japanese Neo-Nationalism:
A Critique of Kato Norihiro's "After the Defeat" Discourse
4. From the Hinomaru and Kimigayo
tu the Symbolic Emperor System
5. History and Judgment:
The Women's International War Crimes Tribunal
6. The Emperor Showa Standing at Ground Zero:
On the (re-)configuration of a National "Memory"of the Japanese People
III. Conflicts of Memory: Yasukuni
7. The National Politics of Yasukuni Shrine
8. Legacies of Empire:
The Yasukuni Shrine Controversy
9. Nation and Sacrifice:
The Problem of Yasukuni shrine in Contemporary Japan
10. Can Philosophy Constitute Resistance ?
An Interview of Takahashi Tetsuya by Lee Hyo Duk