Members / メンバー紹介

高田 康成

高田 康成 (TAKADA Yasunari)


名古屋外国語大学現代国際学部 教授

- 書籍:

Transcendental Descent : Essays in Literature and Philosophy、UTCP、2007、単著 ⇒詳細
Overcoming Postmodernism: ‘Overcoming Modernity' and Japan, Shubun-Kan, 2002.
『キケロ ― ヨーロッパの知的伝統』、岩波書店、1999年、単著
Surprised by Scenes. Kenkyu-sha, 1994.

- 論文:

“A Shakespearean Distance,” Shakespeare Studies, XLIII (2005-6), pp. 1-36.
“Postmodern Girl,” Cultural Studeis in Asia, eds. S-K Kim & A. Gordon (Seoul National University Press, 2004), pp.157-183.
“’Common Profit’ and Libidinal Dissemination in Chaucer,” The Body and the Soul in Medieval Literature, eds. P. Boitani & A. Torti, Boydell & Brewer, 1999, pp.109-121.
“Chaucer’s Use of Neoplatonic Traditions,” Platonism and the English Imagination, eds. A. Baldwin & S. Hutton, Cambridge UP, 1994, pp.45-51.
“From the ‘House of Fame’ to Politico-Cultural Histories,” Chaucer to Shakespeare, eds. R. Beadle et al., Boydell & Brewer, 1992, pp.45-54.
“The Brooch of Thebes and the Girdle of Venus: Courtly Love In An Oppositional Perspective,” Poetica 29/39 (1989), pp. 17-38.



1. “’Hevene’ In Criseyde,” at the Fifth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 9 March 1986.
2. “From the House of Fame to Politico-Cultural Histories,” at the Sixth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, UBC, Vancouver, Canada, 10 August 1988.
3. “Libidinous Dissemination in Chaucer,” at the Seventh International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, University of Kent, Canterbury, England, 8 August 1990.
4. “Caesarean Operation: Romanitas, Politics and History,” at the Fifth World Shakespeare Congress, Tokyo, 16 August 1991.
5. “’Field’ in Chaucer,” at the Ninth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 23 July 1994.
6. “Cicero in Augustan England,” at the Second Congress of the International Society for Classical Tradition, Boston University, U.S.A., 20 March 1995.
7. “Common Profit and Libidinal Dissemination in Chaucer,” at J.A.W. Bennett Memorial Lectures (The Body and the Soul in Medieval Literature), Perugia 21 April 1998.(招待講演)
8. “Renaissance Latin Adaptation of Plutarch’s ‘Vita Ciceronis’,” at the Fourth Congress of the International Society for Classical Tradition, University of Tübingen, 1 August 1998.
9. “Postmodern Girl,” 3rd Conference of AEARU(Association of East-Asian Research Universities) , Seoul University, 16 November 2001.
10. ”Supreme Emptiness and Temporal Fulfillment: Two Versions of Political Failure?” An Inaugural Lecture at the Nissan Foundation, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 25th November, 2003. (招待講演)
11. “Promiscuous Affairs: Globalization of Literature”, at International Conference on Globalization of Literature, at Seoul National University, 1 November 2, 2007. (招待講演)
