


Fields:French Contemporary Thought
Collaborative Research Fellows
During Global COE Program (2007-2012).
Contact ynishi[at]
Recent Events

Yuji Nishiyama received his PhD from Hitotsubashi University's School of Languages and Society in 2006. He has been teaching at the University of Tokyo since 2007. He works on modern French philosophy, focusing on Jacques Derrida and Maurice Blanchot. In the past few years he is working on a research project titled "Philosophy and University". He is the author of Literature as Contestation: Solitude, Friendship and Community in Maurice Blanchot (Tokyo: Ochanomizu-syobô 2007), and the editor of Philosophie et Éducation II: Le droit à la philosophie (UTCP 2009), and Philosophy and the University (Tokyo: Miraisya 2009). He is also the Japanese translator of several books by Jacques Derrida, Maurice Blanchot, Jean-Luc Nancy and Catherine Malabou.

Affiliation /

Tokyo Metropolitan University, Associated Professor /
Le Collège international de Philosophie, directeur de programme (2010-2016)

Publications etc.

The Literature as Contestation : Solitude, Friendship and Community in Maurice Blanchot. Ochanomizu-syobô. 2007.

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Philosophy and the University, Miraisya, 2009
Philosophie et Éducation II: Le droit à la philosophie, UTCP Booklet 10, UTCP, 2009

Contributions to collective books

Hegel: the Starting Point of comtemporary Thoughts, with Eisei Takiguchi et al., Shakaihyôron-sya, 2008.
Philosophie et Éducation Enseigner, apprendre – sur la pédagogie de la philosophie et de la psychanalyse, UTCP Booklet 1, UTCP, 2008
The Public Space of Post-Modern. with Masaki Nakamasa et al. Ochanomizu-syobô 2005.
The Other of the Law. with Masaki Nakamasa et al. Ochanomizu-syobô. 2004
The Politics of Deconstruction. with Masaki Nakamasa et al. Ochanomizu-syobô. 2003


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L'Université sans condition. Jacques Derrida. Getsuyô-sya, 2008.
L'Avenir de Hegel : plasticité, temporalité, dialéctique. Catherine Malabou. Mirai-sya. 2005
Sauf le nom. Jacques Derrida. jointly translated by Y. Kobayashi. Mirai-sya. 2005.
Écrits politiques 1958-1993. Maurice Blanchot. jointly translated by S. Yasuhara and K. Gouhara. Getsuyô-sya. 2005.
Hegel : l'inquiétude du négatif. Jean-Luc Nancy. jointly translated by T. Ohkouchi and N. Murata. Gendai-kikakusitsu. 2003.

Publications etc.


"Entre le vague et l'ambigu: sur la question du clair-obscur au Japon", Rue Descartes, n. 65, PUF, 2009.
"In the Name of University, What Are We Allowed to Believe?: From the Questions of Belief and Place in Jacques Derrida", Gendai-shisô, September 2008.
"The Absolute Ennemy of the Literature: Blanchot against De Gaulle", Gendai-shitechô, 2007.
"1968 in France: the Afterglow of May 68", Kan, vol. 33, 2008.
"Pyramid, Obelisk, Cross : regarding the Secret Friendship between Bataille and Hegel". Gendai-shisô. vol.35-9. July 2007.
"The Memories of Algeria in the French Colonialism : for the Lecture of Yamina Benguigui's Mémoires D'Immigrés". Quadrante. No.9. Institute of Foreign Affairs Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. March 2007.
"Que suis-je en droit d'ésperer de l'Université, par excellence des Humanités : sur la question de l'Université chez Derrida et Kant". UTCP Bulletin, Vol.10. 2007.
"The Resurrection Body on the Verge of Departure : Christology of Jean-Luc Nancy". Suisei-tsûshin, No.10. August 2006.
"The French Social Mouvement Savons la Recherche ! and the Conversion into Independent Administrative Institutions in Japan". Jyôkyô. July 2005.

Publications etc.

Presentations etc.

"Philosophie et Université", Colloque international "Les Universités au temps de la mondialisation et la compétition pour l'excellence", Université Paris 8, Paris, May 11-14, 2009.
"Save the Name of Democracy: Derrida, Rancière, Nancy", Workshop "Horizons of Political Thought", Yonsei University, Seoul, February 16, 2009.
"What is University for the Humanities? On Jacque Derrida's The University without Condition", Workshop “What is the Site for the Humanities?”, Research Machine 'Suyu+Trans', Seoul, February 15, 2009.
“The Christology of Jean-Luc Nancy”, International Symposium: “The Figure of the Outside: Jean-Luc Nancy”, January 24, 2009.
"Masao Maruyama: Save the Name of Democracy", UTCP Seminar on Japanese Philosophy, University of Tokyo, December 16, 2008.
"Que sommes-nous en droit d'espérer au nom de l'université ?", Forum "Philodsophy and Education", Collège internationale de Philiosophie, Paris, November 25, 2008.
"Que sommes-nous en droit d'espérer au nom de l'université ?", Forum: Philosophies de l'université et conflit des rationalités, Buenos Aires National Library, Argentina, October 6, 2008.
"Hajime Tanabe on the question of the logic of the species and the question of sacrifice", IX International Colloquium Bariloche of Philosophy "Metaphilosophy", Centro Atómico Bariloche Bariloche, Argentina, October 2, 2008.
"Teaching Philosophy through Derrida's Deconstruction", The XXII World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul National University, July 31, 2008.
"20th French Thought and Reception fo Hegel", Symposium "Hegel and French Contemporary Thought", Japanese Hegel Society, University of Tokyo, June 14, 2008.
"L'hétérodidactique de la marionnette : La déconstruction et la pédagogie chez Jacques Derrida", Forum "Philisophy and Education", Collège internationale de Philiosophie, Paris, January 8, 2008.
"Que suis-je en droit d'ésperer de l’Université, par excellence des Humanités : sur la question de l'Université chez Derrida et Kant", Forum "Philisophy and Education", Collège internationale de Philiosophie, Paris, November 8, 2008.
"L'ennemi absolu de la littérature – Blanchot contre De Gaulle", Symposium: Blanchot - Literature, Langage, University of Tokyo, October 21, 2006.

Related Site:

A Documentary Film
The Right to Philosophy: Traces of the International College of Philosophy
(Le droit à la philosophie: les traces du Collège international de Philosophie)

Featuring interviews with Michel Deguy, François Noudelmann, Bruno Clément, Catherine Malabou, Francisco Naishtat, Gisèle Berkman and Boyan Manchev
Music by matryoshka (Novel Sounds)
Directed by Yuji Nishiyama
Supported by The Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) KAKENHI No. 20720002 of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Under the auspices of the University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP)
Screening time: 93 minutes
Language: French, with English subtitles
Trailer ⇒

Film Screening Schedule

Thu 9/3, 18:00-21:00 The New School for Social Research
with discussion moderated by Simon Critchley, Zed Adams and Y. Nishiyama
Tue 9/8, 16:30-19:00 Cornell University (French Studies)
with discussion moderated by Laurent Dubreuil, Bruno Bosteels and Y. Nishiyama
Thu 9/10, 16:00-19:00 New York University (East Asian Studies)
with discussion moderated by Thomas Looser and Y. Nishiyama
Fri 9/11, 17:00-20:00 Yale University (the Todai-Yale Initiative)
with discussion moderated by Haun Saussy, Yasunari Takada and Y. Nishiyama
Fri 9/27, 17:00- Shibuya UPLINK FACTORY

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