Title: | Yamanaka Sadao's Cinema and Records of War ExperienceFinished |
Date: | 18:00-20:00, Wednesday, November 6, 2013 |
Place: | Bld.18, 4F, Collaboration Room 2, The University of Tokyo, Komaba |
Lecture by Antoine de Mena (film maker)
Yamanaka Sadao's Cinema and Records of War Experience
- An Example of Resistance to Narratives of Empire
Nowadays, the works of Yamanaka Sadao (1909-1938) are well known to cinéphiles, but his documentary testimony on the war — his photographs of China, his correspondence and diary as a soldier — much less so. In Yamanaka's confrontation with reality, a striking continuity of the gaze emerges from this heterogeneous production of stories, which rules out neither the possible nor the utopian, and seems to situate itself against the narrative injunctions issued by the Empire at war.
This presentation will be accompanied by the screening of extracts from a documentary film, a work in progress about Yamanaka Sadao.
Discussant : Mark Roberts (UTCP)
Moderator: Tomokazu BABA (CPAG)
18:00-20:00, Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Bld.18, 4F, Collaboration Room 2, The University of Tokyo, Komaba
Language: English | Admission Free | No Registration Required
Organized by University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP)
UTCP Program of Excellence