Publications / 刊行物


Secularization, Religion and the State (UTCP Booklet 17)

Author:HANEDA Masashi, R. Michael FEENER, NAITO Mariko, Rodney SEBASTIAN, ABE Naofumi, Siriporn DABPHET, ISAHAYA Yoichi, Yu Mei GOH, KANAHARA Noriko, Wei Leong TAY, UCHIDA Chikara, WATANABE Shoko, Norshahril SAAT, Allan LEE
Publisher:UTCP Year:2010
Category:UTCP Booklet, e-text collection

Table of Contents, Copyright: ダウンロード

Introduction I
The Paradox of Asymmetry
HANEDA Masashi: ダウンロード

Introduction II
Secularization, Religion and the State: Reflections on a Joint University of Tokyo/National University of Singapore Workshop
R. Michael FEENER: ダウンロード

1. Rethinking the Dichotomy between the Religious and the Secular:
The Emergence of Religion in Modern Japan
NAITO Mariko: ダウンロード

2. Religious Managerialism in Singapore: Analysis of State Management of NRMs
Rodney SEBASTIAN: ダウンロード

3. “Who Acknowledges His Rights?”: Prelude to the “Modernization” of the Judicial System in Mid-nineteenth Century Iran as Seen in Persian Legal Documents
ABE Naofumi: ダウンロード

4. State and Religious Ideology in Nineteenth-Century Thailand
Siriporn DABPHET: ダウンロード

5. Vicissitudes of Nourūz: Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Historical Time Scales
ISAHAYA Yoichi: ダウンロード

6. Old Scripture in New Language: A Study of Discourse in Modern Yuli Baochao
Yu Mei GOH: ダウンロード

7. Japanese Theologian Uwoki Tadakazu and His “Japanese Religious
Spirit” in Wartime
KANAHARA Noriko: ダウンロード

8. Kang Youwei, The Martin Luther of Confucianism and his Vision of Confucian Modernity and Nation
Wei Leong TAY: ダウンロード

9. Japanese Historian Amino Yoshihiko’s Interpretation from the Viewpoint of “the People” on the Relationship between Religion and Secular Authority
UCHIDA Chikara: ダウンロード

10. To be Religious and to be Political in Colonial Algeria: The Ulama and the Nationalists, Two Approaches
WATANABE Shoko: ダウンロード

11. The State, Ulama and Religiosity: Rethinking Islamization of Contemporary Malaysia
Norshahril SAAT: ダウンロード

12. The Advancement of Christ’s “Kingdom” in Two Cities: A Comparative Study of State-religion Relations in Singapore and Malaysia
Allan LEE: ダウンロード

Contributors: ダウンロード
