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Francesco Campagnola "The Renaissance as a Metaphor: European, American and Japanese Historiography before and after WWII"

18:00-20:00, Friday, June 20, 2014
Collaboration Room 4, 4F, Bld. 18, The University of Tokyo, Komaba

Speaker: Francesco Campagnola (Ghent University)

Title: "The Renaissance as a Metaphor: European, American and Japanese Historiography before and after WWII"

The Renaissance, as the object of philosophical and historical research, enjoyed a great fortune from the first to the second post-war period. With all its symbolic power and its metaphoric richness, 'Renaissance' represented, for those who studied it, a cultural time-map that charted the possible paths through an epoch-making change. More specifically, the Renaissance could be seen as paradigmatic of the relationship between crisis, decadence and rebirth. In the mind of many of its interpreters, such rebirth was, first of all, a regeneration of man. In this sense, the Renaissance - namely Italian Quattrocento - represented the historical soul of the more general interest for 'humanism' that so strongly characterized those terrible years of social unrest and war, and their immediate aftermath.

This paper aims at exploring how three different groups of scholars - German Jewish émigrés, Italian, and Japanese - represented and symbolically imagined the Renaissance in relation to their predicament. The work of authors such as Hans Baron, Paul Oskar Kristeller, Eugenio Garin, Hayashi Tatsuo and Hanada Kiyoteru is a multifaceted investigation of the relationship between crisis and rebirth and the role that the human being plays in it. By examining the extent to which personal, social and political conditions were reflected in their vision of the Renaissance, we shall address the philosophical problem of the conditions of possibility for a rebirth and how these can be thought between the contingency of a determined historical tradition and the transcendental sphere of human culture.


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Date: 18:00-20:00, Friday, June 20, 2014
Venue: Collaboration Room 4, 4F, Bld. 18, The University of Tokyo, Komaba
Language: English | Admission free | No registration required

Commentator: Ayako Ikeno (JSPS), Genta Okamoto (Okayama University)
Moderator: Futoshi Hoshino (University of Tokyo)

Organized by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (Grant No. 25870161) and The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP)

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