Title: | [Related Event] Yasuo Kobayashi and Yuji Nishiyama "Catastrophe and Humanities"Finished |
Date: | 19:00-20:30, Friday, March 29, 2013 |
Place: | Zone F, B2, Book1st Shinjuku |
Talk by Yasuo Kobayashi and Yuji Nishiyama: "Catastrphe and Humanities," as a commemoration of publication of their books, Yasuo Kobayashi, Catastrophe of Being (2012) and Yuji Nishiyama (ed.), Humanities and Institutions (2013, forthcoming).
19:00-20:30, Friday, March 29, 2013
Zone F, B2, Book1st Shinjuku
More detailed information will be provided on the website.