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Disability Studies and Tohjisha-Kenkyu (sufferers' first-person study): Towards Internationalization of Tohjisha-Kenkyu

Saturday, March 30-Sunday, March 31, 2013
Mar 30: Bld. 18, Collaboration Room 3 (4F); Mar 31: Bld 18, Auditorium (1F), The University of Tokyo, Komaba

March 30

Tom Shakespeare
(Norwich Medical School, the University of East Anglia) 13:00-14:00
"Nothing about us... without whom"? The troubled relationship between disability activism and the academy

Kohji Ishihara (The University of Tokyo) 14:00-14:50
History and Philosophy of Tohjisha-Kenkyu

Kosuke Asada (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Project Researcher) 15:10-16:00
Studying impairments together with persons who have the impairments: Collaboration between psychology and Tohjisha-Kenkyu

Minae Inahara (UTCP, Uehiro Research Fellow) 16:00-16:50
A Feminist Exploration of the Cyborg Body: Physical Disability and Technology

March 31

Kim DaeHwam (Cheongju Mental Health Center Director / Mental Hearth Social Worker) 10:00-11:30
Tohjisha-Kenkyu practice in Korea

Ikuyoshi Mukaiyachi 13:00-13:50
Tohjisha-Kenkyu at Bethel House

Shinichiro Kumagaya and Satsuki Ayaya (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology) 14:00-14:50
Why do we study ourselves ? ―towards the restoration of belief-updating process and collective predictions about the self and the world.


Mitsuru Mizutani (Necco) 15:10-15:50

Roundtable 15:50-17:30
Members of Bethel House
Members of Necco, Tohjisha-Kenkyu Study Group


Language: English (30th)
Japanese (mainly) with simulataneous translation from English and Korean (31st)
Admission Free | No Registration Required

Sponsored by: The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP), Uehiro Research Division, Philosophy of Disability & Coexistence Project (UTCP/PhDC)
Cosponsored by: Grant‐in‐Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas(Research in a proposed research area), Constructive Developmental Science: Revealing the Principles of Development from Fetal Period and Systematic Understanding of Developmental Disorders, C01: Building the Principles of Developmental Disorders from the Phenomenological Viewpoint of Tohjisha-Kenkyu

PhDC 1st International Conference Poster Designed by Kazuki Iijima and Minae Inahara

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