Title: | UTCP講演会「Patočka’s Problematic World as an Idea of Co-Existence」終了しました |
Date: | 2009年9月17日(木)14:00–16:00 |
Place: | 東京大学駒場キャンパス101号館2階 研修室 [地図] |
発表者: 岩崎正太 (UTCP)
使用言語: 英語 入場無料,事前登録不要
Shota Iwasaki will examine the concept of “the Problematic World” introduced by Jan Patočka. He will argue that it contains a notion of co-existence.
Through a critical revision of phenomenology which was developed by Husserl and Heidegger, he will try to clarify the concept of "the Problematic World."