


Fields:Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Social Science, Neuroethics, Gender
Contact tsutsuiharuka28[atmark]
Recent Events

Recent Research interests: convention and social norm, joint action theory, neuroethics of sex/gender differences

 graduation thesis
  "Teleological Theory about Intentional Representation"
  The University of Tokyo, Jan.2006

 master's thesis
  "Natural Convention: Convention without rationality "
  The University of Tokyo, Jan.2008

Affiliation /

Post-doc Research Fellow of University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP)

Publications etc.

・Papers in English

1."J. J. Prinz's Relativistic Morality and Convention", in The Proceeding of The 3rd BESETO Conference of Philosophy, pp. 293-304, 2009.

2. " "Brain gender" talk and the relationship between science and narrative: Situations in Japan". Clinical Philosophy, 16, pp. 61-81, 2015.

Publications etc.

・Verbal Presentations in English

1. Tsutsui, Haruka. "J. J. Prinz's Relativistic Morality and Convention" (The 3rd BESETO Conference of Philosophy, The University of Tokyo, 2009/01/10)
2. Tsutsui, Haruka. "J. J. Prinz's Moral Relativism and the Possibility of Moral Convention" (The CUNY Cognitive Science Symposium, The City University of New York Graduate School and University Center, 2009/03/27)
3. Tsutsui, Haruka. "Neuroethics of sex/gender: The "male/female brain" discourse and sex/gender in our society" (Brain Science and Ethics, Howard Florey Institute (Melbourne), 2010/03/23)
4. Tsutsui, Haruka. "Constructing Common Knowledge" (Graduate Workshop in the Philosophy of Mind, Edgbaston Campus, University of Birmingham, 2011/03/25)
5. Tsutsui, Haruka. "Common Knowledge/Mutual Knowledge and the Understanding of Normality" (The 27th Tokyo Colloquium of Cognitive Philosophy, The University of Tokyo, 2011/05/20)
6. Tsutsui, Haruka. ""Brain gender" talk and the relationship between science and narrative: situations in Japan" (Feminist Technoscience and the Theory of the Body: Cases from Japan, Sweden and [elsewhere] , Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, 2013/03/12)
7. Tsutsui, Haruka. “Biological Essentialism as a Narrative: Thinking from popular (Neuro)science on Sex/Gender Differences”(Open Seminar “Feminist phenomenology”, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University, 2015/03/24)

・Poster Presentations in English

1. Tsutsui, Haruka and Mizushima, Nozomi. "Neuroethics of Sex Differences: a perspective from analyses of popular neuroscience in Japan" (The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Nagoya Congress Center, 2009/09/16) 
2.Tsutsui, Haruka. "The "male/female brain" discourse: Why sex/gender differences in the brain are overinterpreted" (Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting, Manchester Grand Hyatt (San Diego), 2010/11/12)

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