
NAITO Mariko

NAITO Mariko

Fields:Japanese literature, Japanese culture.
Contact (@を半角英数にしてください。)
Affiliation /

Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Institute for Advanced Study on Asia, University of Tokyo

Publications etc.

1. “The Journey of an Utamakura through the Past: “Shiga no Mountains Pass: and “Shiga Flower Garden.” Review of Japanese Society and Culture, vol.19, Dec. 2007, Josai University
2. “Poetic Imagination and Place Names: Woman Travelers and the Creation of the Utamakura Shiga no Yamagoe” Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, vol.8, May 2008, Association for Japanese Literary Studies
3.“Potentiality of Literary Experience: the Role of the Past in Medieval Poetic Theories.” Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, vol.9, Autumn 2008, Association for Japanese Literary Studies

Publications etc.

1. “Poetic Imagination and Place Names: Women Travelers and the Creation of the Utamakura Shiga”, Fifteenth Annual Meeting for Association for Japanese Literary Studies. (July 2, 2006, Josai University, Japan)
2."Potentiality of Literary Experience: Theorizing the Fictional Past in Medieval Japan" Harvard-Yenching Institute Workshop: Words over Borders (June 2, 2007, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Cambridge, U.S.)
3. “Potentiality of Literary Experience: the Role of the Past in Medieval Poetic Theories”, Sixteenth Annual Meeting for Association for Japanese Literary Studies. (Nov. 3, 2007, Princeton University, Princeton, U.S.)
4.“Overcoming the Sins of ‘Wild Words and Fancy Language’: the Poetics of Honji Suijaku,” The Twelfth Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies. (Sep. 19, 2008, Salento University, Lecce, Italy)
5. “Conflicting Religious Topoi: Izumi Kyōka’s Hakusan Worship,” Asian Studies Conference Japan (June 23, 2009, Sophia University, Japan)
6. “Rethinking the Dichotomy between Religion and Secular: The Emergence of Religion in Modern Japan”, Graduate Student Workshop on Secularization, Religion and the State (Jan. 20, 2010, National University of Singapore, Singapore)

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