The Uehiro Research Division for the Philosophy of Co-existence engages the common problems, the value conflicts, that human beings face in the wake of the rapid progression of globalization. In pursuit of this ambition, we promote philosophical research aiming to explore ethnic co-existence, religious co-existence, the co-existence between the earth and humans beings, and the co-existence between science and human beings. To achieve this, the research division will construct a global network of practical knowledge in philosophy, transfer the knowledge to the younger generation, and attempt to reform the ethics in the social situations that develop from conflict.
The division consists of two projects: the focal point project of philosophical research and education (Project L) and a supplementary project of philosophical research and education (Project S). Project L comprises of three major research fields: Dialogical Practice between Eastern and Western Philosophy (L1), Philosophy of Disability and Co-existence (L2), and International Conferences for the Politics of Co-existence (L3). Project S comprises of a set of flexible sub-projects to support and expand Project L. Project L and Project S complement each other by evolving the ideas that arise in a holistic, organic manner.