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Introduction of PKU-UT Spring Institute 2017:
Peking University (PKU) and the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) launched a jointly administrated Winter Institute on Critical Theory for graduate students in 2016. Following the last Winter Institute, we will have PKU-UTokyo Spring Institute 2017.
This is a program under the strategic partnership between PKU and UTokyo. PKU is a host university for PKU-UTokyo Spring Institute 2017 in this round.

Research Agenda:
The title of the Second PKU-UTokyo Spring Institute is “Rethinking ‘Theory of Civilization’ in East Asian Modernity.” In this program, we are going to think of discourses of theory of civilization in East Asia. When Fukuzawa Yukichi launched this discourse in Japan and Chinese intellectuals like Cai Yuanpei and Liang Qichao did in China, it was rapidly spread, transformed, and translated in East Asia and constituted a central part of East Asian modernity. We don’t only compare modern Japanese discourses on this concept with late Qing discourses, but also think of contemporary related discourses together. Two professors from UTokyo, one guest from Japan, and a couple of professors from PKU will give a talk for this program. The aim of this program is intensive institute in which 5 graduate students from UTokyo and 5-7 from PKU study and discuss together. They are expected to present their ideas in the last moment of this program. The work of the institute is to be multidisciplinary and critical in nature, based on seminar-style discussions led by faculty advisors. A reading packet will be supplied ahead of time so participants will have finished the assigned readings in advance.

Dates and Place:
Dates: March 13-23, 2017
Venue: Peking University

Registration for UTokyo Graduate Students:
Those who want to join this program are expected to write an application as follows:
1) Name, Student Number, and Belonging
2) Specialty
3) Application Essay between 600-800 words

Please send your application to Professor Takahiro Nakajima, Professor Masaaki Takeda, Professor Satofumi Kawamura and Ms. Kyoko Ino by January 15, 2017. You will have the result by the end of January.
Takahiro Nakajima:
Masaaki Takeda:
Satofumi Kawamura:
Kyoko Ino:

Detailed Schedule:
March 13, 2017: Arriving
March 14-22: Lectures, Conferences, and Presentations
March 23: Leaving


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