


Fields:Philosophy, Ethics of Science and Technology, Science Literacy
Collaborative Research Fellows
During Global COE Program (2007-2012).
Contact 連絡先 uehara @
Recent Events


Affiliation /

Associate Professor @ Faculty of Information, Kansai University

Publications etc.

(1) 2008 A Perspective on Neuroethics, Keiso Shobo (as a co-author)
(2) 2010, Tim Crane, Elements of Mind, Kieso Shobo (translation)
(3) 2010, Neuroscience Literacy, Keiso Shobo (as a co-author)

Publications etc.

(1) 2006, "Epistemic Normativity", master thesis
(2) 2011, "Realism and Naturalization of Knowledge", Ph.D. thesis

2006, “A defense of epistemic pragmatism and its implications”, Archive for Philosophy and the History of Science (Tetsugaku-Kagakushi Ronso), Vol.8: 167-193
2007, “Ethical problems of smart drugs: influences on society and humanity”, UTCP Collection of Essays (UTCP Kenkyu Ronshu), vol.8: 37-54
2007, “Placing knowledge in the world”, Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science (Kagaku Kisoron Kenkyu), Vol.35-1
2007, “The ethics of cognitive enhancement and self-transformation”, The Proceedings of the Second BESETO Young-Scholar Conference of Philosophy
2008, “Enhancement and the ethics of authenticity”, Sobun, No.505 (January-February)
2008, “Reflection, rationality, and the division of labor”, History and Philosophy of Science (Kagakushi Kagaku-Tetsugaku), No.21
2008, “The cognitive enhancement and self-destruction”, Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science (Kagaku Kisoron Kenkyu), Vol.35-2

What is the ethical problem on smart drugs and what should we inquire about it henceforth?
, Sharinken, No.1, Nanzan University.
Philosophy and ethics of enhancement: a conceptucal map
, UTCP booklet, 8.
Enhancement and Investigation of human values
, Shakai to Rinri, 24, Nanzan University
2011, Reality of the artifacts, Tetsugaku
2011, ”Why should we limit radical enhancement?”, Journal of Philosophy and Ethics in Health Care and Medicine, Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine, No.4, 131-150.
under review ”Why should we limit radical enhancement?”

Publications etc.

2006, “Theory of knowledge as a natural kind: a perspective”, Congress of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, at Dentsu University
2006, “Uniqueness of human knowledge and externalism”, Congress of the Philosophy of Science Society Japan, at University of Hokkaido
2007, “Enhancement of intellectual capacity by neuroscience”, Autumn regular meeting of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, Workshop “Tasks and Prospects of Neuroethics”, at Keio University
2007, “The ethics of cognitive enhancement and self-transformation”, The Second BESETO Young-Scholar Conference of Philosophy, “Philosophy and East-Asian Thought”, at Peking University

A field guide to Transhumanism
, Japan Association for the Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, at Hokkaido University.
2008, “Transhumanism and the theory of value”, Neuroethics Society, First Annual Meeting (Poster)
Reality of artifacs
, Japan Association for Philosophy, at Keio University.
2010, "Kinds and mechanism", Kantabend, The Association of Philosophy, at Tokyo University.
2010, "An epistemological approach to neuroscience literacy", Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, Workshop “What is neurosceince literacy?”, at Senshu University.
2010, (with Eisuke Nakazawa) ”Neuroscience literacy and its social implications”, 4S: Society for social studies of science, at Tokyo University, Komaba Campus.

Book Reviews, Surveys, Reports etc.
2007, “Of Stephen Stich’s The Fragmentation of Reason”, Philosophy of Science (Kagaku-Tetsugaku), 40-1
2008, "Extensions of humans: BMI, enhancement and ethics", Kagaku, Iwanami-Shoten.
2009, "A logical map of Transhumanism and its ethical implications", Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine (Igaku-Tetsugaku Igaku-Rinri), 27.
2009, "Of Ueda and Watanabe eds., Human Enhancement", Society and Ethics (Shakai to Rinri), 23.
2010, "Ch.9 BMI", "Ch.11 Smart drugs", "The philosophical foundation of neuroscience literacy: an epistemological viewpoint", JST/RISTEX program"Enhancing neuroscience literacy", final reports.
2010, "Translator's introduction", Tim Crane, Elements of Mind, Japanese translation, Keiso-Shobo.

Professional service
Chair for the Transhumanism session of Asian-Pacific Computing and Philosophy, University of Tokyo, October, 2009

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