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Name:HARA Kazuyuki |
Fields:Psychoanalysis, French Thought | |
II. Art, Representation, and the Body
※During Global COE Program (2007-2012). |
Publications etc. –Books: |
2. Kazuyuki HARA, "Memento superficiem: Las Meninas according to Lacan", in Masaki NAKAYAMA (ed.), The Politics of Beauty, Collection Alêtheia 2, Ochanomizu-shobo, Tokyo, 2003, pp. 169-210. |
Publications etc. –Papers: |
ARTICLES: 2. Kazuyuki HARA “Leçons d'amour - philosophie et psychanalyse”, in Philosophie et Education. Enseigner, apprendre - Sur la pédagogie de la philosophie et de la psychanalyse, UTCP Booklet 1, 2008, pp. 85-105. 3. Kazuyuki HARA, “Du miroir aux Meninas. Une redefinition lacanienne de l’image dans le langage”, in La lettre et l'image: Nouvelles approches, Textuel, no 54, textes réunis et presentés par Anne-Marie Christin et Atsushi Miura, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, 2007, pp. 153-167. 4. Kazuyuki HARA, “The Effects of ‘Frame’: A Visual Apparatus in Lacan’s Thought in the 1960s”, Merleau-Ponty Studies (The Merleau-Ponty Circle of Japan), No. 11, 2007, pp. 21-42. 5. Kazuyuki HARA, “Lacan’s “Chrono-topo-logy”, 2004-2006 JSPS Research Accomplishment Report “Change of the Conception of Time in French Literature” (Masanori TSUKAMOTO (dir.)) , 2007, pp. 399-415. 6. Kazuyuki HARA, “Seeing the Void: Lacan on the Reversibility of Image and Screen”, Suisei-Tsushin, No. 11, 2006, pp. 62-68. 7. Kazuyuki HARA, “The Birth of Homo Analyticus”, Daikôkai, No. 59, 2006, pp. 72-79. 8. Kazuyuki HARA, “From Language to Sexuality: On the Position of “Infantile Theory of Sexuality” in the Dialectic of Desire, I.R.S.: Jacques Lacan Studies, No. 4, 2005, pp. 128-147. 9. Kazuyuki HARA, “Qu'appelle-t-on analyser? La pensée lacanienne dans l'histoire de l'analyse”, in A. Benmakhlouf et J.-F. Lavigne (éd.), Avenir de la raison. Devenir des rationalités, Actes du XXIXe Congrès de l'Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française (A.S.P.L.F.), Vrin, 2004, pp. 453-458. 10. Kazuyuki HARA, “Desire, Infinite, Beauty: ‘Eclat (Shine-Splitting)’ of Antigone”, Jinbun-Gakuhô, No. 355, 2004, pp. 47-71. 11. Kazuyuki HARA, “Memento Superficiem: Las Meninas According to Lacan”, Jôkyô, August-September (3rd Series, Vol. 4, No. 8), 2003, pp. 186-210. (The first version of the article cited as “CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS, 2”) 12. Kazuyuki HARA, “Undulating Surface: Instant, Instance, Insistence”, I.R.S.: Jacques Lacan Studies, No. 2, 2003, pp. 161-187. 13. Kazuyuki HARA, “L.R.I.: Toward ta Topo-logy of Signifying Chain”, I.R.S.: Jacques Lacan Studies, No. 1, 2002, pp. 66-92. 14. Kazuyuki HARA, “‘Signifying Chain’: tA Lacanian Concept (2)”, Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2001, pp. 263-272. 15. Kazuyuki HARA, “‘Signifying Chain’: A Lacanian Concept (1)”, Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2000, pp. 63-80. 16. Kazuyuki HARA, « Penser la chaîne. La problématique de l'identification chez Jacques Lacan », Etudes de langue et littérature françaises, No. 76, pp. 206-219, 2000. 17. Kazuyuki HARA, “Inventing a Map of Nowhere: A Lacanian Concept of ‘Chain’ and Its Entailment: the ‘Graph’”, Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1999, pp. 29-44. 18. Kazuyuki HARA, “Theory-Phantasm: The Initial Configuration of Lacanian Problematics”, Imago, vol. 5-3, pp. 36-62, 1994.
2. Koji Togawa, Psycho-analysis (Iwanami-shoten, 2003), Tosho-Shinbun, No. 2665, February 14, 2004, p. 5. 3. Koji Togawa, Resistance to Psycho-analysis: Experience and Logic of Jacques Lacan (Seidosha, 2000), I.R.S.: Jacques Lacan Studies, No. 1, 2002, pp. 182-195. |
Publications etc. –Others: |
OTHER PUBLICATIONS: 2. Kazuyuki HARA, “Lacan: Nostalgia without Nostos”, Daikokai, No. 51, 2004, pp. 158-166. 3. Kazuyuki HARA, “A Perspective for ‘Esthetics of Desire’”, 2001-2003 JSPS Research Accomplishment Report “Esthetics of Desire: The Unconscious and the Problem of ‘Expression’” (Takeshi SAKAI (dir.)), 2003, pp. 5-11. 4. Kazuyuki HARA, “Dreaming Texts”, Imago, Vol. 5-14, 1994, pp. 220-223. TRANSLATIONS: 2. Alain Juranville, « Lacan penseur de l’existence » and « l’Autre et le savoir », translated into Japanese. 3. Michel Foucault, Herméneutique du sujet, Paris : Editions du Seuil, 2001, translated in collaboration with Koji HIROSE into Japanese. 4. Approximate 10 texts translated into Japanese from: Michel Foucault, Dits et écrits, 4 vol., Paris: Gallimard, 1994.
2. Kazuyuki HARA, “Never divide and love: From Ethics of Psycho-analysis to Politics of Friendship”, Lacan in Context: Psycho-analysis and the Politics of Memory, National Taiwan University, May 2008. 3. Kazuyuki HARA, Le postulat du désir : moment existentiel de la subjectivité lacanienne, “Psychanalyse et philosophie : des liaisons dangereuses?” Colloque de fondation de la Société Internationale de Psychanalyse et Philosophie, Paris VII, mars 2008. 4. Kazuyuki HARA “Leçons d'amour - philosophie et psychanalyse”, Forum “Philosophie et Education”, “Enseigner, apprendre - Sur la pédagogie de la philosophie et de la psychanalyse”, organisé par l'UTCP et Collège International de Philosophie (CIPh), Collège International de Philosophie, Paris, janvier 2008. 5. Kazuyuki HARA, “La machine de Lacan (Lacan Machine), ou l'audition du signifiant”, II Congresso Internacional de Filosofia da Psicanalise, UFSCar (Sao Carlos, Brazil), septembre 2007. 6. Kazuyuki HARA, “‘Anthropo-logical’ framework in Psychoanalytical Theory”, Symposium “Freudian Anthropology and the Diversity of His Thought”, The 1st Meeting of Freudian Studies Group, Kyoto University, September 2007. 7. Kazuyuki HARA, “From Signifier to Phallus”, Symposium “The Problem of Sexuality in Psycho-analysis”, The 6th Meeting of Lacanian Society of Japan, Senshu University, December 2006. 8. Kazuyuki HARA, “Image or Screen? Jacques Lacan on Mirror, Surface and Frame”, Symposium “The Modernity of Screen: Between Shielding and Projection”, The 1st Meeting of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation, The University of Tokyo, Komaba, July 2006. 9. Kazuyuki HARA, “Lacan’s “Chrono-topo-logy”, Symposium “Two Faces of Modernity: Avant-garde and Arrière-garde: War, Technology, Memory”, organized by Department of French Literature, Faculty of Literature, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, May 2006. 10. Kazuyuki HARA, “Du miroir aux Meninas―La redéfinition de l'image dans le langage chez Jacques Lacan”, La lettre et l'image, nouvelles approches, Journée d'études organisée par CEEI et UTCP,' Paris VII, novembre 2005. 11. Kazuyuki HARA, “From Language to Sexuality ”, Symposium “Becoming of Sexuality”, The 4th Meeting of Lacanian Society of Japan, Senshu University, December 2004. 12. Kazuyuki HARA, “The Effects of ‘Frame’: A Visual Apparatus in Lacan’s Thought in the 1960s”, Symposium “Merleau-Ponty and Psycho-analysis”, The 11th Meeting of The Merleau-Ponty Circle of Japan, Ritsumeikan University, September 2004. 13. Kazuyuki HARA, “Desire and Its Expressions”, Symposium “Jacques Lacan and the Ethics of Desire” organized by Department of Literature, Faculty of Human Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, March 2003. 14. Kazuyuki HARA, “A Way to the Other: Why Read Lacan Today?”, The 1st Meeting of Lacanian Society of Japan, Senshu University, November 2001. |