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[Related Event] Historians’ Workshop: Early Career Conference

13:00-19:00, Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Seminar Room 1, Kojima Hall, the University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)

Historians’ Workshop: Early Career Conference

日時 / Date: 11 September 2018

場所 / Place: Seminar Room 1, Kojima Hall, the University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)

時間 / Time: 13:00-19:00


Dr Ghassan MOAZZIN / University of Tokyo

Gold and Silver: German Bankers and the Financial Internationalisation of China (1885-1919)

Shuang WU / University of Hong Kong and King’s College London

Domesticating Migration: Oral History and Chinese Motherhood in colonial Hong Kong, 1945-59

Josiah HO Chit Ian / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

A Bureaucratized Hawker Culture: Narratives of Bureaucracy in Singapore Hawker Culture from the Postcolonial to the Present

Grace TEO / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Negotiating Time in British Malaya: Colonial Singapore’s Role in the Malay Archipelago’s Time Legislature, 1895 – 1933

Jeremy GOH / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Modern Hokkien Banking in Prewar Singapore and Asia: The Vicissitudes of the Ho Hong Bank (1917–1932)

Kosuke NAKADA / University of St Andrews, UK

From Rome to Armenia? Some Remarks on a 10th-Century Armenian Text on the Translation of Apostolic Relics


For further information, please contact:

Takao TERUI (icprterui[a]

Tomohiro KAIBARA (tomohiro.kaibara[a]

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