Title: | 【関連イベント】The Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy (TFAP)終了しました |
Date: | 2017年7月14日(水)17:00-19:00 |
Place: | 東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階コラボレーションルーム2 |
The Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy (TFAP) is a forum for research in analytic philosophy broadly conceived---including research in the empirical/formal sciences that is of philosophical interest. We are inviting speakers from Japan and abroad. Meetings are held in English. Anybody who is interested is welcome.
Title: alarm/will/sound: Identification, Perception, Characterisation, and Interaction Design of Modified Car Alarm Systems
Speaker: Alex Sigman (iCLA, YGU)
Abstract: alarm/will/sound is a collaborative artistic and scientific research project, undertaken since 2013 by Alexander Sigman (composer/researcher), Stuttgart-based artist/product designer Matthias Megyeri, and Institut de Recherche et Coordination Artistique/Music (IRCAM) Sound Perception and Design researcher Nicolas Misdariis. Encompassing the domains of sound perception, acoustic modeling, and sound, product, and interaction design, alarm/wil/sound has addressed not only on the repurposing of the audible car alarm, a device that has become more of a nuisance than an effective deterrent in recent decades, but also on the human response to static and dynamic auditory warnings in general, and on the role of the alarm in delineating perceived boundaries between public and private space. Once the salient phases and goals of the project have been outlined, this talk will focus on perceptuo-cognitive issues surrounding (and motivating) the research, and philosophical implications thereof.
Hosted by the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, the University of Tokyo
For details, please see http://tf-ap.com/program/