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Title: | Levinas, Heidegger, Nietzsche - International Workshop with Didier FranckFinished |
Date: | 13:00-18:30, Sunday, December 15, 2013 |
Place: | Main Conference Room, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo |
International Workshop with Didier Franck
Levinas, Heidegger, Nietzsche - International Workshop with Didier Franck
Date: 13:00-18:30, Sunday, December 15, 2013
Venue: Main Conference Room, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo
Language | 1st session : English, French, Germain, Japanese (with documents in Japanese)
| 2nd session: French (with Japanese translation and documents in Japanese)
Admission Free | No Registration Required
13:00-13:10 Opening
1st Session
13 :10-14 :10 Koki Hiraishi(Univ. of Tokyo, Univ. of Strassbourg)
"L'ontologie suppose la metaphysique" : l'ontologie levinassienne dans Totalite et infini
Language: French
Moderator: Shojiro Kotegawa(Univ. of Meiji / JSPS)
14 :10-15 :10 Makito Shigeru(Univ. of Aoyamagakuin)
Ist ein anderes Christentum moeglich ?
Language: Germain
Moderator:Asuka Toku(Univ. of Gakushuin)
15 :10-16 :10 Ayumu Okubo(Univ. of Tokyo)
The Body and Dionysus : Justice in Nietzsche
Language : English
Moderator:Kota Umeda(Sophia Univ.)
16 :10-16 :30 Break
2nd session Lecture by Professor Didier Franck
16 :30-18 :30 Didier Franck(Univ. of Paris Ouest)
L'intentionnalite de l'impression
Language: French
Moderator: Tomokazu BABA(Univ. of Tokyo CPAG)
Didier Franck
(Professor, Univ. of Paris Ouest, JSPS Invited Researcher at Univ. of Doshisha)
Having suceeded Derrida's chair at École Normale Supérieure, Didier Franck has fostered many philosophical talents in France. Starting from the problem of body, he has developed extremely rigorous , bold, and original philosophy. He is considered as one of the most eminent french contemporary philosophers. He has also written important works on Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, and Levinas.
Organized by UTCP Program of Excellence (French Philosophy), University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy(UTCP)
Co-organized by CPAG (Contemporary Philosophy in the Age of Globalization, University of Tokyo, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia), Société Japonaise des études lévinassiennes, Heidegger Gesellschaft Tokio
Cooperation : Japanese Society of Schopenhauer /Nietzsche Section