Title: | [Co-organized Event] Let's Talk about Love in Kami-Amakusa: Xmas Matchmaking Party 2013Finished |
Date: | 14:30-20:15, Saturday, December 7, 2013 |
Place: | Fisharina Amakusa |
Let's Talk about Love in Kami-Amakusa: Xmas Matchmaking Party 2013
Date: 14:30-20:15, Saturday, December 7, 2013
Venue: Fisharina Amakusa
Language: Japanese | Reservation Required
Please see the following (Japanese) website for details:
City of Kami-Amakusa
Co-organizers and co-sponsors:
L3 Project "Philosophy for Everyone", Uehiro Research Division for Philosophy of Coexistence, The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP)
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Incubation Study, "Environmental Issues in Relation to Locality and Super-Regionality: Collaborative Research by Positioning on Actual Life and by Philosophical Dialogue"
KA Project (Nonprofit Organization)