Title: | [Related Event] Tradition vs Originality of FormFinished |
Date: | 9:30-17:00, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 |
Place: | Shanghai Himalaya Centre |
9:30 Guest Sign-in
9:45 Opening
Opening remarks by Mr. Dai Zhikang
Introduction by Professor Zhang Xudong
Moderator: Yang Ping
Commentator: Liu Xiaofeng
Part 1: The Context and Environment of Contemporary Chinese Cultural Consciousness
10:00-10:30 Yao Yang, The Influence of China’s Path on the World
10:30-11:00 Andrew Plaks, Universal Confucianism
11:00-11:30 Wang Xiaoming, Early Modern Ideology and Chinese Revolution
11:30-12:15 Comment, Discussion, Q&A
Part 2: Reading the Tradition
Moderator: Zhang Xudong
Commentator: Wang Xiaoming
14:00-14:30 Nakajima Takahiro, Tradition in Change and Change that Implies Tradition
14:30-15:00 Yu Kongjian, Big-Foot Aesthetics and A Beautiful China
15:00-15:30 Liu Xiaofeng, Fashion Democracy and Art Talent
15:30-15:50 Tea break
15:50-16:30 Panel Discussion (Moderator: Yang Rui)
16:30-17:00 Comment, Discussion, Q&A