Title: | 「共生のための障害の哲学」第9回研究会終了しました |
Date: | 2012年11月20日(火)17:00-19:00 |
Place: | 東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階コラボレーションルーム3 |
Joel Krueger (コペンハーゲン大学主観性研究センター)
Emotions and Social Perception: Lessons from Moebius Syndrome
Nonverbal behavior plays an important role in facilitating social interaction. It consists of a range of bodily expressions: gestures, posture, gaze patterns, movements, and facial expressions that help to give both structure and significance to our encounters with others. Individuals with Moebius Syndrome—a rare form of congenital bilateral facial paralysis—lack facial animation and thus lack the ability to enact a particularly important form of nonverbal behavior. In this talk, I argue that Moebius Syndrome offers a fruitful opportunity for exploring the role of implicit bodily communication in facilitating social cognition. In particular, I consider what Moebius Syndrome can tell us about the nature of our perception of others’ emotional expressions, as well as the role that implicit bodily communication plays in shaping interpersonal understanding.
連絡先:cishi08{at}mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (石原孝二) ({at}のところを@に変えてください。)
「共生のための国際哲学研究センター」 (UTCP)