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François Cusset "Les Aventures Mondiales de la French Theory"

18:00-20:00, Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Collaboration Room 1, 4th Floor, Building 18, University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus [Map]

Speaker: François Cusset (Professor, Department of Anglophone Studies, University of Paris X - Nanterre)

Moderator: Kohei Kuwada (Lecturer, Tokyo University of Foreign Languages/UTCP Collaborative Research Fellow)

About the Speaker:
Former director of the New York-based French Publishers’ Agency, founder and series editor of "Penser/Croiser" imprint at Les Prairies ordinaires, François Cusset is a specialist in intellectual history whose publications and current research focus on the history of critical theories and the contemporary evolution of human sciences within the English-speaking university system as well as on various cultural and intellectual transfers between France and the United States. His book, French Theory: Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze & Cie et les mutations de la vie intellectuelle aux États-Unis (La Découverte, 2003, rééd. , 2005), has been translated into more than seven languages. He also authored Queer critics : La littérature française déshabillée par ses homo-lecteurs (PUF, 2002), La décennie : Le grand cauchemar des années 1980 (La Découverte, 2006), and Contre-Discours de Mai: Ce qu'embaumeurs et fossoyeurs de 68 ne disent pas à ses héritiers (Actes Sud, 2008).

Language: French
Admission Free
No Registration Required

Organized by the University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP)
Co-operated by the Ambassade de France au Japon and the Institut français

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