Title: | UTCP Seminar “Diffusion de l’impressionnisme. Peintres américains et japonais sur les rives de la Seine”Finished |
Date: | Tuesday | November 30, 2010 | 6:00–7:30 pm |
Place: | Collaboration Room 1 | 4th Fl, Bldg 18 | The University of Tokyo, Komaba [Map] |
Entre deux pays: Les artistes américains à Giverny
Katherine BOURGUIGNON (Terra Foundation for American Art in Europe)
Vétheuil: The Japanese Artists’ Colony
TADOKORO Natsuko (Bridgestone Museum of Art, Ishibashi Foundation)
Chair: MIURA Atsushi (UTCP)
Language: French | English (Copies of the presentation drafts will be distributed)
Admission Free | Open to Public
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