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A Survey of the Humanities in China and Japan: A Philosophical Dialogue between Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies of ECNU and UTCP

Limited to Professors, Fellows, and Students at Komaba Campus Finished
November 19, 2010, 9:30-
Collaboration Room 4, 4th Fl, Bldg 18, The University of Tokyo, Komaba

A Survey of the Humanities in China and Japan: A Philosophical Dialogue between Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies of ECNU and UTCP

Date: November 19, 2010, 9:30-
Place: Collaboration Room 4, 4th Fl, Bldg 18, The University of Tokyo, Komaba
Language: Chinese

9:30 开幕词 小林康夫教授
9:50 许纪霖教授发言
10:10 杨国荣教授发言

10:50 红珍教授发言
11:10 李蓓蓓教授发言
11:30 座谈会
12:50 闭幕词 许纪霖教授

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