Title: | MURAKAMI Yasuhiko Lecture Series "Genesis of Act, Logic of Cure: Two Responses to the Affection of the Real"Finished |
Date: | Saturday, 9th, October, 2010, 14:00-17:30 |
Place: | Collaboration Room 3, 4th Floor, Building 18, University of Tokyo, Komaba |
Murakami Yasuhiko Lecture Series
Genesis of Act, Logic of Cure: Two Responses to the Affection of the Real
Speaker: Murakami Yasuhiko (Osaka University)
Commentator: Togawa Koji (psychoanalyst)
Chairs: Ishihara Kohji (UTCP) and Hara Kazuyuki (UTCP)
Language: Japanese
Admission free, no registration required
Part I 14:00-15:30
"Reading Nursing Research as a Phenomenology of Act: Nishimura Yumi"
Part II 16:00-17:30
"Secret and Its Future: Winnicott, Laplanche, Dolto and the Distorsion of Communication"