Title: | UTCP Workshop: “Chrono-Dromology of Modern Art: 3 Reflections”Registration Required Finished |
Date: | Wednesday, September 15, 2010 | 1–4 pm |
Place: | Collaboration Room 3 | 4th Fl, Bldg 18 | The University of Tokyo, Komaba [Map] |
The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP) Presents
Chrono-Dromology of Modern Art
3 Reflections
Yve-Alan Bois (Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Michio Hayashi (Professor, Sophia University, Tokyo)
Gaku Kondo (UTCP)
Dimensions fundamental to human experience, time, duration and speed are also recurring themes in modernism, threading through and binding together a wide range of practices. This workshop will seek to explore diverse manifestations of temporal concerns in the art of twentieth century by looking at a selection of specific examples. Works and discourses of Barnett Newman, Ad Reinhardt, Michael Fried and Tony Smith, among others, will be examined.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 | 1:00–4:00 pm
Collaboration Room 3 | 4th fl, Bldg 18 | The University of Tokyo, Komaba
Language: English | Admission free | Pre-registration required (limited to 30) (Limit reached; [September 13])
info & registration: image.studies[at]utcp.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp