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International Center for Critical Theory (ICCT) Summer 2010 Workshop on "Rethinking Enlightenment in Global and Historical Contexts"

Aug. 25-27, 2010
Peking University, Beijing, China

Xudong Zhang & Takahiro Nakajima

Sponsored by
ICCT-Peking U; University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP); NYU Summer Research Institute in the Humanities, New York-Beijing-Shanghai; and East China Normal University Center for the Studies of Contemporary Chinese Culture

August 25
9:00 Roundtable with Opening Remarks/Framing Discussions by
  Yasuo Kobayashi
  Takahiro Nakajima
  Xudong Zhang

10:45 Open Discussions

14:00 Panel I
Ishii Tsuyoshi
  《庄子•齐物论》的清学阅读:反思启蒙的别样径路 Reading Zhuangzi Qiwulun by the Discourse in Qing Dynasty: Another Approach to Reflecting Enlightenment
Liang-Hua Yu
  Breaking the Law of Science? Durkheim, Tarde and the Frankfurt School on Social Totality
Discussant: Jiang Hui

16:15 Panel II
Wang Pu
  Between the Critique of Civilization and Scientist Historiography: Guo Moruo, Engels and the Imagination of 'the Ancient Society'
Hoshino Futoshi
  The Conditioned Reason in Derrida: A Quasi-Enlightenment
Discussant: Kim Hang

August 26
10:00 Panel III
Moon Kyungnam
  On the Substantial Definition and the Formal Definition of the Enlightenment
Xie Jun
  "Determinate Negation" the Prospect for Enlightenment in Dialectic of Enlightenment
Discussant: Yasuo Kobayashi

14:00 Panel IV
Takahiro Nakajima
  Enlightenment and Autobiography in Japanese Modernity
Zhang Xudong
  Toward A Cultural-Political Notion of Enlightenment: Myth, Knowledge, and Power as Identity-Formation in the Age of the Global Modern
Discussant: Baik Young-seo

August 27 ICCT working group planning meeting


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