Title: | UTCP Seminar on Japanese Philosophy: LAM Wing-keung and CHEUNG Ching-YuenFinished |
Date: | 10:00-, Thursday, July 29th, 2010 |
Place: | Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Building 101, Komaba Campus, Univ. of Tokyo |
UTCP Seminar on Japanese Philosophy
Title: Redefining philosophy in ethics: Nishida Kitarō and Mou Zong-san
Speaker: LAM Wing-keung (The Hong Kong Institute of Education)
"Ethics is one of the main agendas of Nishida Kitarō and Mou Zong-san, which somewhat is closely related to their redefinitions of “philosophy”, namely, “the problem of life” and “the study of life”, respectively. While exploring how ethics is prescribed in the philosophical systems of Nishida and Mou, it is believed that ethics is in fact neither merely one of their philosophical agendas nor one more philosophical issue for our philosophical inquires, but rather a fundamental challenge to the subject “philosophy” itself. Accordingly, alongside the “inter-” philosophical dialogue between the West and the East, the “intra-“ philosophical interchange within the East, the one between Japan and China for instance should also be accelerated."
Title: Phenomenological ethics: Nishida Kitaro and Max Scheler
Speaker: Cheung Ching-yuen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
"Ethics is one of the most important themes in Nishida’s philosophical thinking. In An Inquiry of the Good, Nishida summarises some theories in ethics, and tries to develop an ethical theory of his own; in his later writing, Nishida explores the possibility of overcoming good and evil. The question of whether Nishida succeeds to construct a normative ethics remains open, but there is one important contribution in his ethics, namely, the ethics of the other. In this talk, I shall discuss Nishida’s phenomenological ethics with insights borrowed from Max Scheler. "
Date: Start 10:00 a.m. Thursday, July 29th, 2010
Place: Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Building 101, Komaba Campus, Univ. of Tokyo
Language: English
* Admission Free, No Registration Required
Organized by UTCP