Title: | UTCP Symposium "The Galaxy of Megumi SAKABE: His Philosophy-in-the-World"Finished |
Date: | 17:15-, Tuesday, 20th, July, 2010 |
Place: | Collaboration Room #1, 4th Floor, Building 18, Komaba Campus, Univ. of Tokyo [Map] |
Yuichiro YAMANE (Daito Bunka University), "Philosophical Anthropology: The Origin of the Philosophy of Megumi SAKABE"
Shiro YAMAUCHI (Keio University), "Realism: An Afterglow of Medieval Philosophy"
Yuki NORITATE (Shikoku Gakuin University), "The Root of Things that Never Withers nor Dies: Awai between Nominalism and Realism"
Masao KUROSAKI (Tokyo Woman's Christian University), "Intellectus: The Future of Intellectual History and of Modernity"
Yasuo KOBAYASHI (UTCP), "Furumai: Philosophy as Poiesis"
Language: Japanese
*Admission Free, No Registration Required