Title: | UTCP Seminar on Japanese Philosophy "The Aesthetics of Urban Wandering in the Essays of Nagai Kafū and Zhou Zuoren"Finished |
Date: | 18:00-19:30, June 23 (Wed), 2010 |
Place: | Seminar Room, 2F, Building 101, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo |
Timothy Goddard (UCLA)
The Aesthetics of Urban Wandering in the Essays of Nagai Kafū and Zhou Zuoren
Writing about Tokyo in the mid-1910s and mid-1930s, respectively, Nagai Kafū and Zhou Zuoren demonstrate their sensitivity to places in the city that elude the sights of most observers. They move through Tokyo with an eye for the cultural and historical traces that were being effaced by the city's rapid push towards modernity. In this paper, I examine the aesthetic terms and descriptive imagery used by these authors in their essays, arguing that their wandering was as much a philosophical enterprise as it was a physical movement through urban space.
Language: English
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