Title: | Workshop “Brain Science and Ethics”Finished |
Date: | March 23, 2010 |
Place: | Florey Institute in Melbourne |
10:00 Yukihiro Nobuhara (UTCP)
Is it possible to read the mind from the brain?
10:50 Eisuke Nakazawa (UTCP)
Memory manipulating technologies and the idea of authenticity
(11:40 Lunch time)
13:00 Kei Yoshida (UTCP)
A neuroeconomic approach to pathological gambling
13:50 Mineki Oguchi (UTCP)
Ethical considerations for neuromarketing: The problems of pseudoscience and consumer autonomy
(14:40 Break)
15:00 Boku Sutetsu (UTCP)
The concept of mental disorder: the DSM and ICD's concept and current debates
15:50 Haruka Tsutsui (UTCP)
Neuroethics of sex/gender: "male/female brain" discourse and sex/gender in society
16:40 Neil Levy (Florey Institute)
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