Title: | A Documentary Film The Right to Philosophy: Traces of the International College of PhilosophyFinished |
Date: | 15:00-18:00 (Open 14:30), March 27, 2010 |
Place: | Auditorium | Bldg 18 | The University of Tokyo, Komaba [Plan] |
Open 14:30
1. Film Projection 15:00-16:30 (90mins.)
Language: French with Japanese sub-titles
2. Round Table "The Right to Philosophy" 16:40-18:00
Languages: Japanese and French (with Translations)
Boyan Manchev (Vice-President, CIPh / Associate Professor, New Bulgarian University)
Gisèle Berkman (Program Director, CIPh)
Yasuo Kobayashi (UTCP)
Yuji Nishiyama (Film Director, UTCP)
Admission Free; No Registration Required
Organized by UTCP