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International Workshop in Komaba "The Present and the Future of the Philosophy of Technology: From a Japanese Perspective"

March 9 and 10, 2010
Room 208, 2nd Floor, Building 14, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo

Prof. Katsuya Akitomi (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Dr. Ching-yuen Cheung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Andrew Feenberg (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada)
Prof. Takehiko Hashimoto(The University of Tokyo)
Prof. Kohji Ishihara (The University of Tokyo)
Prof. Junichi Murata (The University of Tokyo)
Prof. Kiyotaka Naoe (Tohoku University)
Prof. Alain-Marc Rieu (University of Lyon 3, France)
Dr. Toshihiro Suzuki (Shibaura Institute of Technology)

March 9 (Tuesday), 2010
13:00 Junichi Murata
  Introduction: Philosophy of Technology and Japanese Philosophy
14:00 Kiyotaka Naoe
  Technological Mediation and Japanese Philosophy of Technology
      (15:20-15:30 Break)
15:30 Toshihiro Suzuki
  Philosophy of Expert Skill
  [Abstract] (PDF, 9KB)
16:30 Andrew Feenberg
  Japanese Philosophy of Technology: The Contribution of Kiyoshi Miki

March 10 (Wednesday), 2010
10:00 Ching-yuen Cheung
  Miki Kiyoshi's Philosophy of Technology
11:00 Katsuya Akitomi
  On the possibility of discussing technology from the standpoint of Keiji Nishitani's religious philosophy
      (12:30-14:00 Lunch)
14:00 Takehiko Hashimoto
  On the Essence of Standardization: Setting Structural Standards in Prewar Japanese Aerronautics and Its Technological Implications
15:00 Kohji Ishihara
  The Synthetic Approach as a Roboethical Issue: Japanese Robotics and Human Understanding
      (16:20-16:30 Break)
16:30 Alain-Marc Rieu
  A Discourse on Digital Method
  [Abstract] (PDF, 42.6KB)

18:00-19:00 Discussions

☆ Everyone has around one hour for his talk including questions and discussions. After two talks there will be a time for discussion about twenty minutes.

☆ Language: English; Admission Free; No Registration Required

☆ Organized by The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP), and
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI): 21320003 (Junichi Murata)


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