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Title: | 第4回BESETO哲学会議 |
Date: | 2010年1月7, 8日 |
Place: | International Conference Room, Shinyang Humanities Hall, Seoul National University |
★Topic: The Future of Philosophy in East Asia
★Organized by
The Institute of Philosophy, Seoul National University
Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University
★Supported by
College of Humanities, Seoul National University
January 7, 2010
Opening Remarks 9:00-9:20 Room 302
Plenary Sessions 9:20-11:50 Room 302
Chair: In-Rae Cho (Seoul National University)
Tianyue Wu (Peking University)
Augustine on Initium Fidei: A Case Study of the Coexistence of Operative Grace and Free Decision of the Will
Chair: Junich Murata (The University of Tokyo)
Jinho Kang (Seoul National University)
Chomsky and Wittgenstein against Referential Semantics
Masaki Ichinose (The University of Tokyo)
Ontology and Ethics of Killed People
Concurrent Sessions 12:10-1:30
Session 1A 12:10-1:30 Room 301 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Jinho Kang (Seoul National University)
Dongho Choi (Seoul National University)
Does Divergence in Concept Threaten the Objectivity of Intuition?
Sho Sekiya (The University of Tokyo)
Risk Studies Meets Neuroscience: “Experts vs. Lay People” Revisited
Session 2A 12:10-1:30 Room 302 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Junich Murata (The University of Tokyo)
Myungsoon Lee (Seoul National University)
Tacit Consent and Principle of Fair Play in the Justification of Political Obligation
Zhongwei Li (Peking University)
Phenomenological Content and Metaphysical Neutrality in Husserl
Session 3A 12:10-1:30Room 308 History of Philosophy
Chair: Nam-Duh Kim (Seoul National University)
Jeong-Hun Kim (Seoul National University)
Courage and Knowledge in Plato's Laches
Xumin Chang (Peking University)
Common Logos and Private Understanding: Epistemological Role of Logos in Heraclitus
Session 4A 12:10-1:30Room 309 Asian Philosophy
Chair: Sang-Jin Kang (Seoul National University)
Yunu Song (Seoul National University)
Reexaminating Li Ao's Concept of "Nature" and "Emotion"
Dong Ding (Peking University)
The Perspective of Sage in Confucian Cosmology
Concurrent Sessions 2:40-6:20
Session 1B 2:40-4:40 Room 301 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: In-Rae Cho (Seoul National University)
Zhaoqing Xu (Peking University)
Proposition, Belief Ascription and Epistemic Content
Woojin Han (Seoul National University)
Can the Conditional Analysis Help Physicalism?
Sutetsu Boku (The University of Tokyo)
Wakefield’s Harmful Dysfunction Analysis about the Concept of Mental Disorder
Session 1C 5:00-6:20 Room 301 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Kyung-Sig Hwang (Seoul National University)
Jeonggyu Lee (Seoul National University)
The New Description Theory of Reference Fixing and the Solution to Semantic Objections
Eisuke Nakazawa (The University of Tokyo)
Memory Erasure and the Idea of Authenticity
Session 2B 2:40-4:40 Room 302 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Ho-Gun Chung (Seoul National University)
Kyoko Ozawa (The University of Tokyo)
Book as Space / Character as Architecture: Reading Ledoux’s L’Architecture considérée sous le rapport de l’art
Hyeon Jeong Park (Seoul National University)
Infinity in Traditional Metaphysics
Yutaka Tomiyama (The University of Tokyo)
A Semantic Conception of Intentionality in the Early Husserl
Session 2C 5:00-6:20 Room 302 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Chan-Kook Park (Seoul National University)
Kei Hirakura (The University of Tokyo)
Hypothetical Resemblances: Godard’s Lecture on Editing
Seo-Hyun Park (Seoul National University)
On the Relation between Temporality and Hermeneutic Circle in early Heidegger
Session 3B 2:40-4:40 Room 308 History of Philosophy
Chair: Sang-Jin Kang (Seoul National University)
Hikyung Kang (Seoul National University)
Spinoza's Anti-theological Concept of Omnipotentia Dei
Qingyun Cao (Peking University)
Alteration, Generation and Substratum - Is There Persistent Matter in Aristotle’s Theory of Change?
Yong-woo Kim (Seoul National University)
Difference in Position between Socrates and Aristotle on Akrasia
Session 3C 5:00-6:20 Room 308 History of Philosophy
Chair: Sang-Hwan Kim (Seoul National University)
Kefang Jia (Peking University)
The Certainty of Descartes’ Cogito
Oh Keun Chang (Seoul National University)
A study on Rousseau's General Will
Session 4B 2:40-4:40 Room 6-403 (the Institute of Philosophy) Asian Philosophy
Chair: Sungdoo Ahn (Seoul National University)
Jungeun Jo (Seoul National University)
Paradoxical Strategies for Gaining Power: in the "Wei gongzi liezhuan" of the Shiji and the Laozi
Tomohisa Sumida (The University of Tokyo)
The Rhetoric and Reality of "Greening" in the Shōwa Period (1926-1989)
Yoon Young Min (Seoul National University)
Significance of Tibetan Translation of WON-Ch'uk's Commentary on Sam̦dhinirmocanasūtra: With special Reference to the Ⅲ Chapter
Session 4C 5:00-6:20 Room 6-403 (the Institute of Philosophy) Asian Philosophy
Chair: Sungdoo Ahn (Seoul National University)
Grace Song (Seoul National University)
Threefold Study and Mind Function: The Characteristic of Won-Buddhism's Mind Study
Seongho Choi (Seoul National University)
Interpretation of Zhanran's Doctrinal Classification System
Business Meeting 19:00 Hoam Faculty House
January 8, 2010
Plenary Sessions 9:00-12:00 Room 302
Chair: Jinho Kang(Seoul National University)
Paul Snowdon (London University, UCL)
Some Properties of Some Self Knowledge
Tetsuya Sakakibara (The University of Tokyo)
Husserl on Intuition and Expression
Chair: Kohji Ishihara (The University of Tokyo)
Xiaomeng Ning (Peking University)
"Tacit Cogito": An Issue to be Re-examined in Merleau-Ponty's Itinerary
Yukihiro Nobuhara (The University of Tokyo)
Moral Judgment and Motivation
Concurrent Sessions 12:10-1:30
Session 5A 12:10-1:30 Room 301 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: In-Rae Cho (Seoul National University)
Xi Zhang (Peking University)
The second-person standpoint, Normativity and Moral Accountability
Hyijin Lee (The University of Tokyo)
On Consciousness and the Mind Body Problem: Possibility and Significance of Richard Shusterman's Somaesthetics as Emergentist Philosophy of Mind
Session 6A 12:10-1:30 Room 302 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Kohji Ishihara (The University of Tokyo)
Woo-Ram Lee (Seoul National University)
van Fraassen's Concept of Observability: A Critical Assessment
Chit-Yee Chang (The University of Tokyo)
Reconsidering Searle's Chinese Room: Computationalism, Strong AI, and the Syntax/Semantic Distinction
Session 7A 12:10-1:30 Room 308 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Chan-Kook Park (Seoul National University)
Toru Yaegashi (The University of Tokyo)
Husserlian Argument for Moral Realism
Eun Hae Cheong (Seoul National University)
The Difference of Self-Conceptions between Heidegger’s Philosophy and East Asian Traditions
Session 8A 12:10-1:30 Room 309 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Sang-Jin Kang (Seoul National University)
Euna Kang (Seoul National University)
Kant's Logical Form in Judgment
Megumu Wada (The University of Tokyo)
Kant’s Notion of Judgment and Its Truth
Concurrent Sessions 2:40-5:40
Session 5B 2:40-4:00 Room 301 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Jinho Kang (Seoul National University)
Poong-Shil Lee (Seoul National University)
Non-conceptual Content and Fine-grainedness Argument
Shuhei Shimamura (The University of Tokyo)
Semantic Inferentialism and Social Externalism
Session 5C 4:20-5:40 Room 301 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Kyung-Sig Hwang (Seoul National University)
Junhyo Lee (Seoul National University)
Proposition as Fictional Object : a Response to Nolan's Objection against Strong Modal Fictionalism
Hiroyuki Yorozuya (The University of Tokyo)
The problem of Accidental Regularities in Hume’s Philosophy
Session 6B 2:40-4:00 Room 302 Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Yukihiro Nobuhara (The University of Tokyo)
Ryoji Sato (The University of Tokyo)
Do Qualia Make Our Life Worth Living?
Jinglei Hu (Peking University)
Triune' Protection and Its Implications for the Minimal State
Session 6C 4:40-5:20 Room 302 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Sang-Hwan Kim (Seoul National University)
Takao Maruyama (The University of Tokyo)
Testimony and the Truth
Maika Nakao (The University of Tokyo)
Representations of the Brain in Modern Japan: Through Analysis of Medicine Advertisements in the Meiji, Taisho and Showa Periods
Session 7B 2:40-4:00 Room 308 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Xiaomeng Ning (Peking University)
Ho Jae Shin (Seoul National University)
The Concept of Being and Truth in the Logic of Husserl and Heidegger
Yohei Kageyama (The University of Tokyo)
Possibility of the Later Heidegger’s Concept of Selfhood in the Age of Pluralistic Phenomenology
Session 7C 4:20-5:40 Room 308 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Ho-Gun Chung (Seoul National University)
Xing Nan (Peking University)
Naturalized Kantism in Philosophy of Mathematics and Arithmetic in Particular
Wakagi Takahashi (The University of Tokyo)
Arendt’s Critique of Secularization and the Crisis of Authority in Politics
Session 8B 2:40-4:00 Room 309 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Sang Hwan Kim (Seoul National University)
Daehee Kim (Seoul National University)
La psychanalyse et le paradoxe
Dae seung Park (Seoul National University)
L’intuition et le langage imagé chez Bergson
Session 8C 4:20-5:40 Room 309 Continental Philosophy
Chair: Junich Murata (The University of Tokyo)
Taechang Jung (Seoul National University)
What is Psychologism?
Marie Yasunaga (The University of Tokyo)
The Concept of History and “Psychological-Affinity” in Museum Space: Reading the Display of the Folkwang Museum in Hagen
Closing Remarks 6:00-6:20 Room 302