Title: | Philosophy of Disability & Coexistence: Body, Narrative, and Community (UTCP-Uehiro Booklet 2) |
Author: | Kohji ISHIHARA and Minae INAHARA (eds.) | |||
Publisher: | UTCP | Year: | 2013 | |
Category: | UTCP-Uehiro Booklet | |||
*Download PDF on UT Repository Perface Research Papers 2. Empathetic Identification and Person Perception in the Ashley Case 3. Woman's Body and Surrogacy 4. Trauma and Literature: Women began to speak about their experiences 5. Expressions of Disability in the Context of Islam 6. Ethics of Disability and Experimental Ethics for Coexistence: A Reflection on the Status of Intuitions 7. From Psychopathology to Tojisha-kenkyu: Tojisha-kenkyu as Phenomenological Practice in a Phenomenological Community 8. Between Two Worlds: A Phenomenological Critique of the Medical and Social Models of Disability Tojisha-kenkyu Case Study Report from UTCP/PhDC 1st International Conference On Philosophy of Disability: Disability Studies and Tojisha Kenkyu Translation (Japanese) |