

APF Series 1: Philosophizing in Asia (UTCP-Uehiro Booklet 3)

Author:Tsuyoshi ISHII and LAM Wing-keung (eds.)
Publisher:UTCP Year:2013
Category:UTCP-Uehiro Booklet

Tsuyoshi ISHII and LAM Wing-keung

1. Mesology in the light of Yamanouchi Tokuryu's Logos and lenma
Augustin BERQUE Download

2. Thinking with Dogen: Reading Philosophically into and beyond the Textual Surface
Rein RAUD Download

3. Dreams, Nightmares, and Green Reflection on Kurosawa and Confucian Humanism
John A. TUCKER Download

4. Liberal Neutrality, State Perfectionism, and Confucianism: A Neglected Dimension
Yong HUANG Download

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