Title: | Utopia: Here and There (UTCP Booklet 4) |
Author: | HIRAKURA Kei, Dennitza GABRAKOVA, HASHIMOTO Satoru, YOSHIDA Kei, IDO Misato, NAKAJIMA Takahiro | |||
Publisher: | UTCP | Year: | 2008 | |
Category: | UTCP Booklet, e-text collection | |||
Table of Contents, Copyright : Download Preface 1. Utopia through Likeness: Godard's Logic of Similarity 2. Reverberations of a Utopian Utterance: Lu Xun, Ōe Kenzaburō, Simada Masahiko 3. Comparative Hermeneutics and Utopian Desire: "Chinese Modernity" in Modern Chinese Aesthetics 4. Comparing and Explaining Different Cultures: The Case of Captain Cook 5. Gilded Space: Creating Spaces with Gilded Folding Screen 6. Critical Comparability in the Age of "Classical Turn" 7. Lu Xun and East Asian Modernity: Theoretical Perspectives |